Sunday, October 4, 2009

Are They Giants?

I was at a party in Tribeca last night where everyone was a giant. I wish I meant the NY football team but unfortunately I do not. Literally every girl there was over 6 feet and skinny. Also, all of the boys were taller than the girls. I walked in feeling all cute and confident in my 4 inch high heels and fun outfit. I quickly started to feel like a little kid that no one wanted around. It wasn't that they didn't want me, it was that they couldn't really see me. I was bumped into numerous times and spilled on countless others. Even the shortest of the boys definitely weren't interested. If you were a guy and you had the choice to speak to the short girl or the girl that her boobs are at your eye level - who do you think you would pick?

How was I supposed to try to flirt with anyone if I couldn't even see eye level with them to catch their gaze?! I tried a different approach of looking all of the way across the room. That way you don't have to be eye level, they can see you from far away. I thought that I was making eye contact with this really cute guy playing pool. I smiled and looked away and by the time I looked back up, the weird guy who had been standing next to him was at my side. Damn it! I forgot that from far away, it is hard to tell what direction you are looking and you attract more people rather than just the one you were aiming for. I chatted with the weird guy for a little and then I decided to abort the mission.

The party should have had one of those "You must be this tall to enter" signs so that I wouldn't have had all of that confusion.

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