Sunday, January 17, 2010

Texting The Truth

Today I got a text message from a boy that I have been avoiding for over a year Lets call him Annoying Texter. He has texted me at least once a week since we hung out in October of 2008... yes, that long ago. I never wanted to be rude, so I never said "It just isn't going to work" or "I'm just not interested." Today he texted me and asked to hang out. I wimped out again and said that I already had plans. I have zero plans for today. Then Annoying Texter said " If you don't want to hang out, you can just say so." He gave me the green light and I said so. I texted back nicely "Yes, I'm sorry. I just don't think it is going to work out." He responded being a bit touchy saying that he didn't realize that he had rubbed me the wrong way and that he didn't know why I wouldn't just hang out with him. Again, I politely said "I apologize but it isn't going to work." I mean, he asked me to tell him and I did. Honestly I am glad that he asked because I was sick of being Miss Nice Girl and either ignoring his texts completely or nicely turning him down. I would have thought that over a year of not seeing him it would make him realize that I didn't want to see him. Hopefully he understands now that he shouldn't text me anymore.

Five minutes after Annoying Texter's last text message, which I ignored, I got another. Annoyed wondering what he could possibly say now, I looked at my phone. Instead of being Annoying Texter whom I hadn't seen in over a year, it was the boy that I was hoping would text me all along - Two days later.

I wonder now if it is karma at work with my text messaging. Maybe you should just always tell people what you are thinking. Looking back, I think I gave Annoying Texter reason to think that I might eventually want to hang out by saying that I was always too busy. Maybe he thought that I would actually one day not be so busy and want to hang out with him. It sure would have saved me a lot of trouble in the end. I will be sure to tell the new boy that I do want to hang out with him soon. I just might wait until tomorrow to message him back though.

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