Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lady or Ma'am

Last night, I went out with a few girlfriends for dinner and drinks. After a great dinner, we went to have a drink at a bar close by. We went to Fat Cat where they have games and pool tables and a relaxed atmosphere. When we got there, we realized that not only were they letting in people over 21, but they were letting in people younger than that as well. They were everywhere. You could tell who was under 21 not because they weren't holding a beer, but because they were just so young looking. Was that because I was just so much older than them? Then, as we went to leave, a guy said to his friend "Hey, move out of the way for the Lady," as we were walking by their pool game. Lady?!?! Now I really felt old. I got home around midnight and felt even older. I should be out partying until 4 am on a Friday night, not crawling into bed at 12:30.

I woke up feeling refreshed and secretly happy that I hadn't stayed out too late. I went to the gym and did my errands. As I was checking out at the grocery store an hour ago, the clerk said to me "How are you doing today Ma'am?" Well Mr. Grocery Checker-Outer, I was doing just fine until you called me Ma'am! Do I look like I am 70 years old? I can understand that last night I might have looked a lot older while standing next to 18 and 19 year olds, but in the grocery store there was an 80 year old man and a 40 year old woman behind me in line. I must look a little younger at the grocery store. I am hoping that he just calls everyone Ma'am. Just to take extra precaution, I am going to get a facial.

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