Monday, January 18, 2010

Are You Sure I Shouldn't Say These?

My Gay Boyfriend recently pointed this article out to me from Yahoo on 10 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boyfriend. In summary, it gives a list of everything that everyone always says to their significant others. Here are a few of my thoughts on this list...

1) "My ex did the exact same thing!"
- What if he really did? It is a reminder/warning for the person that you are telling never to do that exact same thing. If they do, you can always say that you warned them.

2) "Helen's pregnant ... Shhhh"

- This is just silly. Don't tell any guy a secret. When a guy hears a secret, they are like a kid before Christmas; just too excited to keep it in.

3) "When we're married/have kids..."

- Obviously don't say this on the first, second, or third dates.

4) "Do You Think She's Pretty?"

- I would only ask this if she really is pretty and you know that he will answer "Yes" and you will be okay with it. If you think that he is going to say "No", just don't ask the question.

5) "I'm fine" or "Never mind"
- I don't see any problem with this. The guy should know that you are not fine and that he should pay a little mind. It is his problem if he doesn't know this unwritten rule.

6) "I just let one go"
- Disgusting. Never say this. I agree with the article, unless you want to hear the same thing from him of course

7) “I’ll try anything once!”
- I see nothing wrong with this. You should always be willing to try anything within reason.

8) “Are you sure you're okay?"
- I say bug the shit out of him until he cracks.

9) “I hate my thighs”
- If you don't point them out, then maybe he won't notice. If you really hate your thighs put down the chocolate ice cream and get to the gym.

10) "I hate your mom"
- What if she is a bitch?! Then what are you supposed to say?

Just a few of my thoughts..... :)

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