Thursday, January 7, 2010

Avoid and Prosper

Have you ever been on a date where you just didn't want to kiss the guy at the end of it? You feel obligated to kiss him but you really don't want to because there wasn't a spark or you just like him as a friend. It is usually an awkward moment at the door when he drops you off because he might lean in for the kiss and you don't, or you just give him a quick peck on the cheek or lips even though you didn't want to at all. I have found two effective ways out of that after date kiss. It is an ego killer, but it keeps things fun and nice. It is the High-I'mDodgingTheKiss-Five and the Fist-I'mNotFromNewJersey-Pump.

If you are ever in this same situation where you don't want to kiss the guy and he wants to kiss you, just hold up your hand. It could be in a fist or an open palm. He will automatically, since he is a guy, raise his hand in the same manner. Before he knows it, he is slapping you five or fist pumping your hand. It is at this same moment when he realizes that he is not getting a kiss from you. He will most likely be a little upset, however, you are not going to let him get a word in. Give him the pump or the slap while saying "I had such a great time. Thank you so much." You can then turn around and walk into your building or house or apartment. You said your thank yous and your praises and you are moving on. You also might want to say "Have a good night" just before you walk away. This makes sure that he knows you wish him well and hopefully no hard feelings will be had. This does not guarantee that he will not call you again, but it helps you to avoid any uncomfortable situations.

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