Saturday, January 23, 2010

Presentation Party

What a sense of relief I had after my presentation on Thursday afternoon. Thankfully, I followed all of my presentation tips that I mentioned in my last post. It went very well and I didn't have to pee in the middle of it!

Since I was so relieved to be finished with it and almost through a very rough week, my coworkers and I headed out for a few drinks. Well, a few too many drinks. The best part about the presentation was definitely the celebration of the end of it. Why not celebrate with beers and boys? We went to Katwalk for a few drink specials and then went to Brother Jimmy's. At Brother Jimmy's we were hoping to meet a few guys since it tends to always be packed with them and our boss suggested it as one of the best places to "dudes" as he called them. Once we finally each got a drink, I looked around the room. There were guys there, but unfortunately a large group of them standing next to us were wearing skinny jeans and had better handbags than we did. Our boss led us right into a group of gay men. If I wanted to meet a gay guy I could have just gone to Bloomingdales after work. Even though we didn't meet any good guys, we still had a lot of fun playing Skee Ball, Buck Hunter, and drinking beers. The only unfortunate thing was that all of that beer and Buck Hunter until 1 am didn't feel so great in the morning.

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