Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Parking Ticket No No

This past weekend, I went on a little date with Bar Boy. I guess it is a stretch to call it a date, since I don't like him, but we did have a meeting time. One thing that threw me off guard was when he parked his car (yes, he has a car in the city and no, I still don't like him). After he parked, he dug in his glove compartment and pulled out an orange envelope. He proceeded to place the orange envelope on his windshield under the wiper. Instantly I wondered what the heck he was doing.

He placed an actual parking ticket, that he had gotten previously, on his car so that he wouldn't have to pay for the meter. What the hell? While, it is a smart idea for a college kid with zero money and ridiculously high school bills, it is not so smart for Bar Boy. He is a lot older than a college kid and makes double my salary in one bonus. Note to all of you boys who think that they have a new ingenious idea: Don't do it! The girl you are with will think that you are cheap and sneaky.

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