Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Presentation Stress

Tomorrow at work I am presenting a project to a slew of higher ups and important people. I am getting a little stressed out over it. Even though I keep telling myself that the more worried about it that I get, the worse it will be, I cannot seem to stop going over it in my mind. What if I fall and twist my ankle? What if I pass out? What if I have to pee in the middle of the presentation? What if I'm going crazy?

Just for fun, here are a few presentation tips that have been mentioned to me in the past - in case you are also freaking out about nothing like I am.
- Relax (easier said than done!)
- Take a few slow, deep breaths (It will slow your heart rate)
- Practice (duh)
- If you fumble or mess up, its okay to say so (It apparently makes a connection with your audience)
- Smile (I just like this one, not sure if it helps with the presentation part)
- Pee before the presentation (duh again)
- Relax!!!

Wish me luck!

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