Thursday, January 28, 2010

Basketball And Famous Guys

Tonight, my friend and I went to the Knicks game at Madison Square Garden. Even though they ended up losing in the last few seconds of the game, we still had a blast. We sat next to a curious older man that went by the name of William. At half time, he went down to the court and was talking with Patrick Ewing - a famous basketball player. He wouldn't tell us his last name because he said that "we would Google him." Had he heard our earlier conversation?

When my friend went to the restroom, I chatted with the old guy. He asked where I was from, where I worked and if I liked the city. Then he asked if I had a boyfriend. Like an idiot, I said "No." I always find that the easiest answer is a "Yes." That way, the person can say "Ohh darn" and let it go. If you say that you do not have a boyfriend, then you are stuck. They ask "Why not?" and have to answer a bunch of annoying questions. My answer to "Why not?" was that there were too many to choose from. He agreed. Silly old man, I thought. Towards the end of the 3rd quarter, William got up to leave. He asked for our phone numbers and said "I am going to change your life." Of course I would give a phone number to anyone who promised me that. We shook hands and he left the game. I can only imagine that anyone who says that they are going to change your life definitely means it....

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