Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Plenty Of Weirdos

Last night, at the suggestion of a friend, I logged onto a dating website called Plenty Of Fish. Cute huh? Yeah, I also thought that a friend's date that she met on that website was cute too. He seemed polite and funny. Definitely a keeper. So finally I visited the website. Not so cute.

I searched for people in New York. Boys between the ages of 25 and 35. Recent users to ensure they haven't just been looking for dating just because (even if that is the pot calling the kettle black in this situation). I was prepared to meet a few great people and hopefully get a few great dates. What I actually got was Lookin for a hot mama, Aliens welcome, What you have been waiting for, and many other glorious names. At least it became a source of entertainment for the remainder of the evening. I mean honestly guys, what makes you want to date a 35 year old with the Internet profile entitled "I'm not a mommas boy, I just live with her." Seriously? My favorite was definitely Hunk of burnin love. He also had a picture with another girl posted. They had matching tattoos.

I guess my friend just found the one needle in that big haystack of awfulness. Back to the real world to find a date I guess.

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