Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Little Gift

Today I was in a funny mood. I didn't want to go outside since it was too hot. I stayed in and cleaned all day and was basically antisocial. I also heard a bit of bad news from a great friend which always puts a damper on things. As I laid in bed trying not to focus on the fact that I have to get up in only a few hours for work and a Monday morning, I couldn't help but be in a crappy mood.

Just before I closed my eyes I heard a loud bang and a flash of light. Thunder. Great. Rain. Nope! Fireworks! I have no idea what they are for or why but they might as well be a gift from God. I think He is telling me that everything is great - and he just sent a few flashing lights to cheer me up. It is just what I needed :)

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