Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Facebook Friends

I recently posted an event for a housewarming on facebook and sent the invite to my friends. I thought that it was a nice and easy way to let people know about the party and a way for them to respond without it being much of a hassle. Unfortunately this invite hasn't been as worry free for me as I thought that it would be.

I thought that a bunch of my friends would respond right away - wrong! A lot of them are still holding out and haven't confirmed yes, no, or even a maybe. Whenever I respond to invites, I usually do a maybe. It leaves the option open, that way u have time to decide. Obviously if my schedule is already booked, I decline after a day or two since I don't want to seem so eager to say no

There has also been the issue of whom I actually invited. Who to invite and not to invite is a tough thing. You want to invite enough to have a fun party, but not too many that it gets out of hand. You want to invite your friends and people that you want to attend but what about those sometimes friends who you only see at random occassions? Do you invite them or not? Also, what about the people that you genuinely forgot to invite? You can't retroactively invite them now since they have already seen the party post and they would know that you forgot them. You also don't want to leave them out.

Who knew this Facebook stuff would be so difficult after all. If you are reading this post and haven't responded to a Facebook invitation as we speak, please log in and do it now. The person that invited you will be relieved to know if you are a yes, a no, or a maybe!

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