Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The La Bamba Giggles

Tonight after work I took the train since I had to run downtown for a few things. One stop right before my destination, a bunch of Mexican guys with guitars got onto the train. As soon as they started strumming I began laughing. When they broke into sing I continued laughing. There wasn't anything that funny about them to laugh about but it just hit me and I couldn't stop. When the "La La La La La Bamba" chorus came around, I absolutely lost it. I was that girl shaking while trying to hold in her giggle. I felt like I had a shot of laughing gas.

Of course since I was only one stop away I thought I didn't have to conceal my laughter for much longer. I thought wrong. The train was held up right before the station for some ridiculous reason and twist of fate. I felt like such a jerk to continue laughing but I couldn't help it. Do you know the feeling when you try really hard not to laugh and everything instantly gets more hilarious by the minute? Yep, that was me. "La La La La La Bambaaaaa" will now forever be embedded in my head as the funniest song in the world - I only wish I knew why it was so hilarious.

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