Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To Settle Or Not To Settle

Once again, my friends and I were discussing relationships. Were you surprised? I'm not. We were asking a question that for me was quite difficult to answer. That question is if you should settle or not settle. I know that I have asked this question before but now it goes a little deeper. Do you settle when you are ready or do you not settle when you aren't? Confused?

Look at it this way - you are 25 years old and have been with the best guy for a few years. You constantly wonder to yourself "what else is out there?" and "Am I ready for something so serious?". You know he's a great guy but you question yourself so much that you decide to break things off. A decade plus years later you are approaching 40 and dating some mediocre guy. He is nice but there isn't a spark. He would do anything for you but you really aren't feeling it. You stay in the relationship because you are ready even though he might not be right for you. Which is better? Which is worse? What do you do?

Do you "settle" for an okay guy that you aren't into because you feel like time is wasting and pickings are slim or do you go for the great guy that you aren't sure that you are ready for? Maybe you will be ready one day, before you drive him away that is.

Unfortunately I came up with nothing to answer this question. I teetered between enjoying my youth for the fear of being alone or feeling like I missed out to feel comfortable and secure later in life. How amazing would it be to meet the right person at exactly the right time...

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