Wednesday, March 3, 2010

There's No Tomorrow?

Tonight, while finally relaxing after a long day at work, a commercial for beer caught my attention. No, not because it was such a tough day, but because of the phrase in the commercial. The voice over said that we want to "Live like there's no tomorrow." Yes, I know you have heard it before but I was more caught off guard by what he said after that. "Then why do we make plans?" This kind of reminds me of yesterday's post.

Is it a bad thing to make so many plans and be so scheduled? Probably if the plans stress you out more than anything, but otherwise no. When I make a plan to do something I get excited about it and await in anticipation for the event to arrive. If something is really fun, it's like waiting for Christmas, so exciting that it makes you a little giddy, even if you are over the age of 10 years old. However, the beer commercial still holds true. How can you live like there's no tomorrow if tomorrow has something really fun scheduled for 3:00?

Maybe the better phrase to follow is "Live for today, but tomorrow is going to be pretty amazing too."

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