Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tabloid Peeping Toms

I rarely ever buy the tacky tabloid magazines with the exception of when I am laying on the beach. I find that I feel a little childish when I go to pick one up so I make sure to throw in some candy, drinks, and a bunch of other things to cover up my purchase. I know that a lot of people do it, I just have a thing about it. I do, on the opposite hand, love E! Entertainment TV and tune in almost every night without being bashful about it. I usually proclaim that to be my news station.

Even though I don't buy the celebrity filled mags, if I ever sit next to someone on the train who is paging through one, I always look. Tonight on the train, a woman was flipping through her OK Magazine at a moderately fast pace. The women on either side of her were both looking at the tabloid with her. While not friends with her, they felt the need to peer over her shoulders to check out what is going on with the Kardashians and Brangelina (Don't get me wrong, I was looking too). The one woman even went so far as to huff and puff when the woman holding the magazine flipped the page to quickly. She shook her head in dismay and looked away for all of a few seconds before she tuned back in.

What is it about these magazines that makes us feel like we can read them alongside of the actual owner? I never try to read the book of another person but I definitely glance over when it is one of these. Is it because we are too ashamed to actually buy them ourselves and really die to read them or is it because of all of the pretty pictures and big font? I can't wait to be laying on the beach when not much matters, even your reading material.

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