Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Why is it that everyone plans things on the same day? It is like all of your friends and potential dates get the message that "Thursday is the Day" or "Friday is it" and they pick that day to plan an event or an outing. I feel like this happens to me way too often.

I am a planner by nature so I usually say "yes" to the first offer for the day. I am also a person who cannot make a decision very easily so I usually waver on my choice for a little while. I usually find that the last offer is the best and most fun, however, I have already made plans for the first event and hate to cancel and disappoint anyone. Isn't it funny how all week you can be bored out of your mind with no plans (unless you consider watching the Millionaire Matchmaker to be a plan like I do) and then all of a sudden, one day is completely packed with party hopping and event jumping.

This also reminds me of dating. I can be dateless for awhile, no one around to take me to dinner or a movie until I just get so fed up that I call the boy who has been bugging me for 2 months to go out. The very second that I make plans with the person that I didn't really want to go out with, the boys that I did want to date send a call my way. It is also usually for the same day too so you are forced to cancel or reschedule.

What are we supposed to do? It is hard to cancel on pre-made plans, however, when something really fun comes up it is hard not to want to go. Now I understand why people say that there should be more hours in a day and more days in the week - It would give us more time to spread out our plans!

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