Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Plenty Of Weirdos

Last night, at the suggestion of a friend, I logged onto a dating website called Plenty Of Fish. Cute huh? Yeah, I also thought that a friend's date that she met on that website was cute too. He seemed polite and funny. Definitely a keeper. So finally I visited the website. Not so cute.

I searched for people in New York. Boys between the ages of 25 and 35. Recent users to ensure they haven't just been looking for dating just because (even if that is the pot calling the kettle black in this situation). I was prepared to meet a few great people and hopefully get a few great dates. What I actually got was Lookin for a hot mama, Aliens welcome, What you have been waiting for, and many other glorious names. At least it became a source of entertainment for the remainder of the evening. I mean honestly guys, what makes you want to date a 35 year old with the Internet profile entitled "I'm not a mommas boy, I just live with her." Seriously? My favorite was definitely Hunk of burnin love. He also had a picture with another girl posted. They had matching tattoos.

I guess my friend just found the one needle in that big haystack of awfulness. Back to the real world to find a date I guess.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Little Gift

Today I was in a funny mood. I didn't want to go outside since it was too hot. I stayed in and cleaned all day and was basically antisocial. I also heard a bit of bad news from a great friend which always puts a damper on things. As I laid in bed trying not to focus on the fact that I have to get up in only a few hours for work and a Monday morning, I couldn't help but be in a crappy mood.

Just before I closed my eyes I heard a loud bang and a flash of light. Thunder. Great. Rain. Nope! Fireworks! I have no idea what they are for or why but they might as well be a gift from God. I think He is telling me that everything is great - and he just sent a few flashing lights to cheer me up. It is just what I needed :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I Am Going To Change Your Life

Quite a few months ago, a friend and I met an old man at a Knicks basketball game in New York. He bought us both beers and offered us M&Ms. We knew better and didn't take candy from a stranger but he quickly became a familiar face. Before he left the game that night, he said the most amazing thing to us. He said "I am going to change your lives.". What a big phrase to live up to right?

Tonight we met William for a drink at the Helmsley Hotel right next to central park. While my friend was apprehensive to go and meet this older man, I was excited for the adventure - even just to go to the Helmsley was a treat in itself. Now that I am recalling the evening, he might have changed my life already.

We discussed age. A huge thing that I learned about age tonight is that even though people focus on it, obsess about it, and even lie about it - age matters very little. This 75 year old man (claiming to be 52) had so much wisdom beyond his years but the life of someone still overjoyed by it. His goal in life is to travel to every country in the world (obviously a few countries had to be looked over due to safety issues). It is amazing to know that a man of , ahem, 52, still has goals and aspirations for his life. It just gets a person thinking, a person who is a third if their age, about their goals also. Because of him, I will be taking the time this coming week to decide upon my goals and what I want. Honestly, if an 80 year old man has them and I don't - I'm slacking.

Just with one sentence, he has changed my life already. I can't wait until we meet again.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To Settle Or Not To Settle

Once again, my friends and I were discussing relationships. Were you surprised? I'm not. We were asking a question that for me was quite difficult to answer. That question is if you should settle or not settle. I know that I have asked this question before but now it goes a little deeper. Do you settle when you are ready or do you not settle when you aren't? Confused?

Look at it this way - you are 25 years old and have been with the best guy for a few years. You constantly wonder to yourself "what else is out there?" and "Am I ready for something so serious?". You know he's a great guy but you question yourself so much that you decide to break things off. A decade plus years later you are approaching 40 and dating some mediocre guy. He is nice but there isn't a spark. He would do anything for you but you really aren't feeling it. You stay in the relationship because you are ready even though he might not be right for you. Which is better? Which is worse? What do you do?

Do you "settle" for an okay guy that you aren't into because you feel like time is wasting and pickings are slim or do you go for the great guy that you aren't sure that you are ready for? Maybe you will be ready one day, before you drive him away that is.

Unfortunately I came up with nothing to answer this question. I teetered between enjoying my youth for the fear of being alone or feeling like I missed out to feel comfortable and secure later in life. How amazing would it be to meet the right person at exactly the right time...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The La Bamba Giggles

Tonight after work I took the train since I had to run downtown for a few things. One stop right before my destination, a bunch of Mexican guys with guitars got onto the train. As soon as they started strumming I began laughing. When they broke into sing I continued laughing. There wasn't anything that funny about them to laugh about but it just hit me and I couldn't stop. When the "La La La La La Bamba" chorus came around, I absolutely lost it. I was that girl shaking while trying to hold in her giggle. I felt like I had a shot of laughing gas.

Of course since I was only one stop away I thought I didn't have to conceal my laughter for much longer. I thought wrong. The train was held up right before the station for some ridiculous reason and twist of fate. I felt like such a jerk to continue laughing but I couldn't help it. Do you know the feeling when you try really hard not to laugh and everything instantly gets more hilarious by the minute? Yep, that was me. "La La La La La Bambaaaaa" will now forever be embedded in my head as the funniest song in the world - I only wish I knew why it was so hilarious.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Walk To Work

Since I moved into my new place that is a little closer to work, I decided to fore go the train and walk to work instead. Monday mornings are usually rough for me because I have to get up so much earlier than I do any other day of the week. As I was sleepily walking to work this morning at 7:30 am I saw the most random people on the way. I wish I was kidding about this list.

- A guy lighting up a blunt on the side of a busy sidewalk
- A guy peeing beside a trashcan along the side of the road
- A woman clearly drunk screaming at the top of her lungs to no one about her ponytail
- A homeless man making cat calls for money
- A kid screaming at the top of his lungs to his mother about how he wanted his toy

Why is it that the child startled me the most out of that list of characters? Happy Monday and what a warm welcome to the first day of Summer!

Nose In A Book

Where have I been for the past few days you ask? Well I have been all over the place but my nose has been in a book for almost a week now. The book is called The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown - the author of The Davinci Code and Angels and Demons. The Lost Symbol is another great book to follow his other works. It isn't necessary to read the previous titles but I highly suggest you do. The book was so good that I even stayed in on a Friday night to read.

The book combines religion, history, symbols (duh), and science. While it is a story, all of the places, science, and artwork are real. The beginning of the book starts with a quote that says "To live in a world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wondering about in a great library without touching the books.". The last word in the book is "Hope."

You can read the rest in between...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cheers To Accomplishments

It is usually customary to take a friend out when he or she has accomplished something amazing. This can be a
promotion, a step up, or any old milestone just to celebrate. I am always so happy for that person, however, I often wonder what it is like to be sitting in that seat. What does that accomplishment really taste like? Have you worked so long and hard for it that it seems bitter? Do you really feel like you deserved it that it might just be a little too sweet? Why does someone elses accomplishments make you compare yourself and where you are at?

All we can really do is enjoy each others success. There is no other way around it. If you constantly compare yourself to another, you might never be fulfilled. If you wonder what it is like to be in their shoes, you might forget to walk in your own -
and they are some pretty cute shoes. So the only time that you should try to get a taste of someone elses success is if it is in the form of a celebratory drink. If it is the Violet drink at Vinyl - it's a strange and interesting taste of accomplishment.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rollerbladers Anonymous

This afternoon I did something that I have been meaning to do since I moved to my new apartment. I rollerbladed along the West Side Highway. Rollerblading here in NYC is one of my favorite things to do. When you are on the West Side, you are right by the water and it makes me feel like I am on the boardwalk on the beach. Every time I tell people that this is one of my favorite things to do - they laugh at me. I know, it seems silly but it is really fun.

Once, a person said to me that it was "me and the gays out there with our Rollerblades." I have to say that today, in fact, there was me, the gays, a few other chicks, and some really really hot men (we are going to say that they are straight for arguments sake). I feel like we are all in a little club together, us Rollerblades. Everyone might laugh at us, but it is a great workout and a lot of fun. It gives me a sense of confidence when I can pass out the runners killing their feet to get the same result I am getting. I might look like I am stuck in the 80's with my wheels but I choose to stay there if that is the case.

Me and my fellow rollerbladers have a lovely secret between us as we glide on the pavement. We smile and giggle at each other all knowing something that the other runners and bikers don't know. What? You thought I was going to tell you? Go and put on your skates and find it out for yourself :)

Party Party Party

This Friday I hosted, along with my friends, my housewarming/apartment warming party. It was held under the New York City lights on my roof deck - not my own personal roof deck but I'm getting there. We were also celebrating my gay boyfriend's brother being in town. The combination of all of our amazing friends and a lot of wine and beer made the entire thing a success.

Everyone was quite surprised at the amount of food that I had at the party. Once again, my gay boyfriend came through and planned an easy menu for me of things that I didn't have to cook or take a long time to figure out. The meatballs were the "hardest" thing since they had to be put into the crock pot and turned on high to cook for half an hour. I came out of it with only one casualty - cutting my finger while trying to cut the cucumbers. Thankfully it was merely the size of a paper cut and I continued on with the "cooking" after I was bandaged up.

We had a beautiful night complete with music - again thanks to my persistent gay boyfriend who climbed walls and ran to Duane Reade in a desperate search to find an extension cord. The music made the entire party come to life as well as made a dance off ensue between him and my boss. Amazing.

Thank you to everyone who helped this Virgo (read: crazy perfectionist) to prepare and keep me sane during this party planning process - It is easy with a little help from great friends.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Skinny Mirror

In my old apartment, we used to have this amazing mirror that my roommate and I deemed "the skinny mirror.". Every time I looked in it, it made me look thinner and trimmer. It was the best start to my morning.

Ever since I moved, I have been looking into the "worst mirror alive" each morning before work and before I head out of the apartment. It stretches things out and makes them look awful. Tonight, I was trying things on to try to figure out what to wear fir my party and I was feeling that all of my outfits looked horrible on me. It wasn't until I tried in something that I have worn a million and one times that i realized it was the mirror making things look bad.

My question is which mirror is better? Is it the one that you feel skinny in or the one that makes you look biggger or your real size. Is it the one that lies to you and tells you that you look good even if you might not or is it the one that tells you like it is and let's you see what you really look like before you go out in public looking like that?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Facebook Friends

I recently posted an event for a housewarming on facebook and sent the invite to my friends. I thought that it was a nice and easy way to let people know about the party and a way for them to respond without it being much of a hassle. Unfortunately this invite hasn't been as worry free for me as I thought that it would be.

I thought that a bunch of my friends would respond right away - wrong! A lot of them are still holding out and haven't confirmed yes, no, or even a maybe. Whenever I respond to invites, I usually do a maybe. It leaves the option open, that way u have time to decide. Obviously if my schedule is already booked, I decline after a day or two since I don't want to seem so eager to say no

There has also been the issue of whom I actually invited. Who to invite and not to invite is a tough thing. You want to invite enough to have a fun party, but not too many that it gets out of hand. You want to invite your friends and people that you want to attend but what about those sometimes friends who you only see at random occassions? Do you invite them or not? Also, what about the people that you genuinely forgot to invite? You can't retroactively invite them now since they have already seen the party post and they would know that you forgot them. You also don't want to leave them out.

Who knew this Facebook stuff would be so difficult after all. If you are reading this post and haven't responded to a Facebook invitation as we speak, please log in and do it now. The person that invited you will be relieved to know if you are a yes, a no, or a maybe!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sex And Not In The City

Last Friday night I finally went to see Sex and the City 2 at the movie theater. I had felt like such a loser not seeing it at least during it's opening weekend. I sat down in the red squeeky movie theater chairs with my friends, layered butter popcorn (thank you for layering the butter and the new fat that formed directly on my posterior region), and a coke. I was set to see another great Sex and the City movie and I couldn't wait.

But I should have waited until it came out on DVD. The $12 movie ticket wasn't worth my 2 and 1/2 wasted hours. It kind of felt like Christmas. You have all of this anticipation of how it is going to turn out and how great it all will be and then you never end up getting that barbie doll that you really wanted. Forget all of the socks that you received - you wanted the Barbie!

The movie was exactly like that unfortunate Christmas. Forget about all of the other amazing episodes in the series and the first movie, you really really wanted this one to be good too. Unfortunately for me, it was an unhappy let down. Maybe we can blame it on the fact that it didn't take place in New York....just like we blame the missing Barbie doll on that jolly old man in the red suit.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Online TV

Since I haven't had my cable and Internet hooked up yet, I went to starbucks today to have a coffee and web browse. I also wanted to catch up on a much needed dose of reality - TV shows that is!

After realizing that Bravo.com only had a few of the episodes that I needed to watch, I just picked one of the Real Housewives of New York to watch even though I hadn't seen the episode before that one. Halfway through the show, Bravo.com decided that they were going to experience an error with their show player. I have waited this long to see the show, I am almost halfway though, and then it stops?! That is a sick joke.

Now I am still unsure as to what is going on in these shows and I am even more frustrated than when I hadn't seen the episode. Maybe someone is trying to ween me off of a reality show addiction that I didn't realize I had until I didn't have tv. Seriosuly hating online tv right now!

And On The 7th Day...

She rested...finally. After a full week of working, painting, organizing, an cleaning my new place is finally feeling like home. I again apologize for not posting my progress or what I have been up to all week. This having an apartment by myself thing is tough! I am responsible for all of the dishes and no one else is going to do them - except for the dishwasher. Today after I got home from work, I rested on the roofdeck and read a magazine. I feel like I hadn't done that in over a month and it is one of my favorite things to do!

This apartment, while I love it, has ruined a bit of my life for the past week or so. All of my friends have been saying that they miss me. I haven't made it out to enjoy the sunshine enough so I'm pale against all of the nicely tanned Memorial Day celebrators. I also really miss reality tv. I know, it's sad, but I love it. I have been feeling left out of the converations at work because, no, I hadn't seen last nights episode of The Real Housewives sadly enough.

On the 8th day, I celebrate being back to normal!