Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lasik For Dates

Once again my girlfriends and I were talking about dates and how exactly to find them. One of the afore mentioned girlfriends is a tall blonde beauty who is so nervous to say hi to anyone that she thinks is cute. This results in no dates.

She mentions that she can't always see a person who is walking by her until they are really close so she doesn't realize if they are cute until too late. As good friends, we start suggesting remedies to her unfortunate eye problem. Why not wear your glasses all of the time? A boy would also think that you are even smarter because of your extra accessories. She replies with "But the eye doctor said that I only have to wear them for driving and stuff - not walking down the street." Well maybe your doctor doesn't realize the severity of the situation of no dates in NYC.

The suggestion of LASIK eye surgery came about since my friend didn't want to wear her glasses all of the time. We chatted about how routine the procedure has become and that it is widely popular and helpful. She stopped us there by saying "Do you realize what lengths I have to go to get a date in this town?! I'm considering eye surgery so that I can see boys better. This is ridiculous."

Point well taken, but maybe you should just consider smiling at every boy you see on your walk to work. Even if they aren't cute you can just say "No" to a date. Chances are he could be cute too. Honestly, it doesn't matter if your date is cute or not - you can't see him anyway.

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