Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fiery Dates

Tonight I did something that I have never done before. I got a bikini wax...and then I went on a date. It hasn't been one of my best ideas ever. First if all, if you see someone ham it up in a movie and make fun of the experience and joke about it's extreme pain- they might not be joking. The wax made me want to scream pop stars names at the top of my lungs, namely Kelly Clarkson. Why anyone would pay so much money to inflict this type of pain on themselves is quite beyond me.

Right after my wax, I met my date at the South Street Seaport. Just the walk there was excruciating and it took me more than 10 minutes to walk what should have only taken 3. When my date insisted walking a little farther to to restaurant, I hoped it would be worth it. When he turned around and lead me back where we came from because "Oops, we missed it" I was ready to just fall over. Finally, we were going to be sitting down. Ouch. Unfortunately, sitting hurt more than walking around. Was that really possible?

Apparently it is possible to hurt more sitting down than standing up. My remedy of red wine combined with the Tylenol that I took early in the day didn't seem to do much at all. Despite my flaming midsection, I managed to have a fun time. Who knew that a person could be fun even if your crotch was on fire? Maybe he wasn't that funny, maybe I was just looking for a laugh to ease the pain.

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