Thursday, August 12, 2010

On my walk home today, I got stuck behind a pair of women who were chatting up a storm about their husbands. The things they were saying about their husbands weren't very nice either. The thing that surprised me the most about their conversation was how loudly they were having it. Didn't they realize that they were walking down a busy New York City street?

At first I thought it was just me who thought this. However, when a group of people, myself included, were stopped waiting to cross the street, the one woman said "I had to practically beg him to get on top of me. I yelled at him and said that I would only be ovulating for the next 3 days so he'd better get to work." I think one woman almost fell into oncoming traffic. The man next to the women glanced over with a worried look on his face, shook his head and snickered to himself. I was thinking about her poor husband. Not only does this woman's friend know about their bedroom behavior and her ovulation cycle but so does a handful of unfortunate New Yorkers. Here is a little advice for all of you Walkers and Talkers out there...

- Keep it down! No one cares that you got into a fight with your boyfriend, or the girl at work drove you nuts. Hell, the person that you are talking to probably doesn't even give a shit.

- Ovulation is not a public topic. See above.

- Lady on the street today: Tell your friend to stop discussing her personal issues with you. If you don't feel comfortable telling her that, tell her what you really think - her husband doesn't want to have a baby with your friend because of her big mouth.

- Be mindful of the people around you. One never knows when a story is going to be so harsh that it scares a woman to almost dive into traffic or startles an old woman due to the inappropriate topic of discussion.

- If you are clinically crazy, shout at the top of your lungs about whatever you want. You are excused.

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