Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Sparkly Horiscope

Last night when my date and I were grabbing a drink after dinner, and after the waxing incident, we were approached by a person who wanted to read our palms. This person, a man dressed as a woman with a cute blue sparkly hat and shimmery bright red lipstick, said that he/she knew the future. Being slightly tipsy and even more intrigued than anything, I held out my hand for him/her.

He/she began to tell me that I had just relocated and started a new chapter of my life. I just moved 2 months ago. I was hooked! What else did he/she have to tell me? He/she explained that I needed to use this new transition in my life as a stepping stone for all other things. Great things would happen if I could trust and let them happen. Then he/she motioned to my date and said "I haven't read his palm yet but he looks trustworthy!"

Thankfully when he/she read my dates palm he/she didn't have to go back on his/her word! It was a fun little way to end the date but all I was really thinking the entire time was if I would look cute in a bright red sparkly lipstick like he/she had on. Unfortunately I didn't ask where he/she got it.

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