Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Valentine's Spell Is Over

A wise friend once told me that all boys will come back, no matter what. That thought has been stuck in my head over the past few days since I texted "Mr. I Don't Text Back." According to his new name, he hasn't texted back but I wonder when he will feel the need to come back, because I now believe that whole heartedly.

A guy that I had dated almost 2 years ago has come back, again. Lets call him Mr. Texas. So, Mr. Texas and I dated for over 6 months, and then over the holiday break he just disappeared. He didn't return my calls or texts and that was it until about another year later when he randomly sent me a text message like nothing had happened. A few messages went back and forth until he disappeared again. Nothing, not a word for another few months. Just last month, he messaged me again out of the blue. Today he did it again. This confirms my Valentine's Day theory that guys disappear from December until after February 14th in order to avoid all of the major holidays where you have to be sappy. (Valentine's Day also makes us ladies crazy and if you don't think so just read my previous post where I obviously lost it. It can happen to the best of us even if we think it has little affect on us).

Mr. Texas and I have a plan to meet up sometime this weekend. You might be asking, why would you go? I am asking myself the same question. I have the angel/devil thing on my shoulders. The devil is saying set a place and time and then just don't show up. The angel is telling me that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do. I am going to listen to what my head is telling me to do - and that is to go because I am just so damn curious as to what happened and as to why he is calling now.

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