Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mixed Messages

So today I did the unthinkable, and probably something not so smart. I got fed up with a boy who is giving me the run around and mixed signals (at least they are mixed to me). This boy, whom I met over the Summer, is quite cute, funny, and I can stand to be around him for longer than an hour at a time. This boy and I have gone on a few dates and I thought that we had a great connection. I really started to like him when I realized that he wasn't like all of the other guys that call me every week to hang out. Needless to say, I became the girl that text messaged him every other week to hang out. He has been busy or out of town every time that I have contacted him.

They all seem to be legitimate excuses and he says "Ohh sorry, I wish I could but.." So this leads me to believe, yes, he does want to see me but he is just busy, traveling, etc. I have messaged him 2 times total since the Christmas holiday and I decided that I cannot be turned down again for another trip or work excuse. I know that if a guy really wants to hang out with you he will make it happen, but he hasn't. Is it because he has genuinely been busy or does he just want to take the nice way out and say that he is. I became irrational today about these seemingly mixed messages and decided to take things into my own hands. I am an idiot.

I sent him a message that reads "So I don't want to be that chick that constantly asks you to hang out but I honestly would like to see you again..." I sent this message 8 minutes ago and I'm going a little insane. I will probably be freaking out until he messages me back. If he doesn't message me back, well then, I won't have any more mixed messages to read into now will I?

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