Friday, July 3, 2009

Which Would You Date?

This next post is most likely going to offend someone. I apologize in advance but this conversation was funny in the moment and I had to ask the question...

Last night, my friend mentioned that she wasn't sure but she thought that Jeff Not Gay might have a lazy eye. I hadn't noticed this before but I did notice that he darts his eyes around when he is talking. That is one thing that makes me wonder about him since he can't just keep his focus and his eyes are always moving back and forth. The eyes are the windows to the soul and they tell a lot about a person, I think. It might be that he is nervous, had too much coffee, or that there is too much going on around him, but it is something that I noticed.

After my friend pointed out the possibility of the lazy eye, I over heard a guy talking to his friend. He had a lisp. My friend and I asked each other - "Who would you rather date: A guy with a lazy eye or a guy with a lisp?" I am not sure on this fact but I think that there are therapies to help both issues but it is something that I think a girl would take into account when deciding whether they would like to date that guy (and vice versa). Either of these things could be a deal breaker. I couldn't really answer the question. Both things are something that would bother me a little bit. If a person's eye was always trailing off it would be a slight distraction. It is the same as when Jeff Not Gay's eyes are darting around the room. I am thinking about what he is looking at and not focusing on what he is saying. A lazy eye would probably make me do the same thing.

However, a person that has a lisp can make you super focused on what they are saying and acutely aware of how they are saying it. It would probably bother me a little bit too. I would be trying to decipher words or trying to hold back a little laugh if something sounded funny rather than giving my full attention. Just as my friend and I both could not answer the question, a super short guy walked by. We looked at each other, laughed, and said in unison "Lazy eye, lisp, or a midget?!" We were laughing too hard to decide on anything.

I have to say that any of these things is minimal in comparison to personality. If a person is absolutely amazing and you like everything about them except for that one trait, it isn't that big of a deal. No one is perfect but it is a question to ask yourself. What exactly do you consider to be a "deal breaker"?

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