Thursday, July 9, 2009

Button Pushing

Jeff Not Gay and I finally saw the movie The Hangover. It has been such a process to see this movie with him. Either he is busy, I am busy, we miss the movie, or something else random happens that prevents us from getting together. Last night, we finally got to watch it. After a couple of drinks that ran late, it ended up that we had to get from one end of town to the other in about 15 minutes. Wanting to walk instead of take a cab since it was so nice out, we started to slowly make our way to the theater. Once I realized that we might miss the movie again, we started to jog.

He usually makes fun of how short I am and last night was no exception. He was yelling at my little legs to run faster and saying that we were going to miss the movie because I was so short (all in good fun). He told me that he could get us there faster if I just got on his I did. I have to say that going through crowds of people piggyback style through New York City is a first for me. Even though it was fun, my arms and shoulders are in pain from the death grip I was holding on with for fear that I would fall onto the streets.

We finally made it to the theater and after struggling with the machine to get the movie tickets, we were in our seats. Just as the last preview was ending, I said that I was a little thirsty from all of that running and rushing around. Jeff Not Gay looked at me as if to say "Are you kidding? I just carried you 5 blocks on my back through a crowded New York City street!" Instead of saying that, he politely asked "What kind of drink would you like?" As I told him that I wanted a Coke and he immediately got up to get it, I started to wonder what kind of guy he really was.

Who cares if he can't make a decision or step up to the plate on some things, he carries me on his back after a long day of work and then runs to get me a drink when I should be the one getting him something to re-hydrate with. This could, however, be dangerous behavior if I continue to push the limits. I didn't ask him to carry me through the streets or to get me the drink, but what happens when I actually do ask him to do something? Will he jump through hoops to do it? I hope that I am not that mean of a person to try to find out what his limits are but I guess that all girls do that once in awhile. We push buttons to see which ones are okay and which are not and to figure out what we can get away with. I think it is a true test to figure out yourself when someone else pushes your buttons. How can you ever know who you are unless someone tests you a little? Are you the person that runs and grabs that soda just as the movie starts to play, do you ignore the request, or do you make a compromise?

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