Sunday, July 5, 2009

Not-So-Private Conversations

"My therapist says to me - I know what your problem is. You are too tense." This is just one small part of a longer story that I heard on the train coming back from Long Beach tonight. This story was told, quite loudly, from a man who was sitting in the next aisle speaking to a lady that he just met 10 minutes before. This might not be the best conversation to have while you are on a train and have a lot of people listening to your conversation. It also might not be a good idea to bring up to a complete stranger. My friends and I didn't think so and as the conversation progressed and got weirder and weirder, we tried even harder to hold in our laughter - which we were unsuccessful at doing.

This Fourth of July weekend was such a blast. I had a great time with my friends enjoying a picnic on my terrace. I didn't cook any food but made a killer white sangria, which I kind of consider as cooking :) My friends made fabulous pasta and potato salad along with hot dogs and hamburgers, all of the picnic necessities. One of my friends also brought along another party staple, the new guy that she was dating. He is super nice and very friendly. Sometimes I think that he may be a little too friendly and a little too much of an "open book" which he referred to himself as on numerous occasions.

For example, this afternoon at the beach (he came with us to Long Beach) we were discussing gay vs straight vs bi-sexual. He said that he didn't want to label himself into any certain category, is attracted to girls, but cannot say for sure that he wouldn't be interested in a guy if he was attracted to one. This is his feeling which is totally fine to have, however, this is a very personal feeling that he let us all know in front of the girl whom he is newly dating (my other friend and I had only just met him the day before). She promptly stated that she doesn't know if she could be with a man who is bi-sexual. It was a little bit of an awkward moment at the dinner table. Maybe that is why things like that shouldn't be discussed at dinner, not because they are inappropriate, but because you could have those awkward moments of silence like we did when we weren't sure how to respond.

Either way, he is obviously into her and likes her very much. However, it is an issue that the two of them should discuss privately without any other parties present to weigh in on the issue. Something like that conversation should be treated a little more discreetly with the 2 people involved. Just as you wouldn't tell the entire train car your life story about your mother and brother and father and therapist, you should tone your voice down a little bit when talking personally.

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