Monday, July 6, 2009

Better Abs?

"The way you use it is to take your shirt off and rub it all over yourself before you go to the club," a man who gave the alias, Peter Minichiello, says. "If you want to get [lucky], you have to know how to dance, and if you want girls to dance with you, you have to look ripped."

What?!?!!? Yes ladies, this guy is talking about Preparation H.

If you think I am making this up...Click HERE to see the full story from

First of all, Preparation H does not make you a better dancer or make you know how to dance. Secondly, girls might once to dance with you but when they approach and you smell like hemorrhoid cream they will immediately walk away. My third point is, really guys?!!?! Preparation H?!?! Lastly, if you have to use a cream to make a girl like you, you might need to get some help.

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