Sunday, July 19, 2009

What A Random Evening

Friday night my Gay Boyfriend and I went out in the West Village. The night was kind of a dud for some reason. I am guessing that it was because a lot of people went away for the weekend. Everyone else around seemed to be from out of town. We went bar hopping to try to find some fun. At the first bar, Off The Wagon, I got hit on by a girl. Usually this bar is packed with guys because they have TVs with the games on them. Not that night! It was such an awkward experience for me. It has never really happened before and I was definitely uncomfortable with it. The girl was obviously drunk but she came up to us and immediately said that I was gorgeous and just kept complementing me and saying how pretty I was. My Gay Boyfriend and I kind of walked away from her since she was so drunk and spilling her drink everywhere. Since she was standing next to a pretty cute guy, we continued to glance her way. Every time I looked over, I noticed that she was looking at me and pointing me out to someone. Don't you hate it when you are looking at someone else and another person continually catches your eye? That is what was happening and it was getting to be weird.
Since the first bar was a little boring we went to one of our favorite places, The Dove. We walked in and sat at the bar, trying to dry off a little since it had started to pour. We had wanted to try absinthe since we heard that it supposedly makes you hallucinate but when the bartender let us smell it, it smells like black licorice, we didn't want to try it. This was a bit disappointing for me since I have been wanting to try this for awhile. The crowd wasn't that great after awhile so we decided to spice up things and grab some food at Super Hot Dog. Since I am obsessed with hot dogs, I was in Heaven. This place has a whole slew of hot dogs with interesting toppings on them. We also got cheese fries. If you are a hot dog lover like me, I suggest that you try it out.
After our quick pit stop, we tried 2 more bars that were just as boring. One was a hookah bar where we each had 2 little shots and left. The next bar that we stopped into was because we heard a great song. We ran in, danced to the song, and then left when the next song was awful. We decided to call it a night after that even though we both wanted to be doing something more fun. At that point, we just figured that we would continue to buy drinks and bar hop and not really find that much. I figured that we had already accomplished enough - got hit on by a girl, ate hot dogs, went to a hookah bar, had shots, smelled absinthe, and danced to one song. What a ridiculous night.

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