Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Quick Hello

Hi Everyone,

I just have to apologize for not writing in awhile. I have had a few things to take care of back in my little hometown in Pennsylvania. Hopefully, I will be writing again within the coming week. I also wanted to share a great piece of advice that I heard from a friend:

"God doesn't ever give us more shoes than we can handle"

This quote can obviously be applied to life by switching the word "shoes" with something like "experiences", "bullshit", or even "love."

Wishing you all of the best,


Monday, July 20, 2009

Who Nose?

Last night, I was kissing Mr. Ketchup. Unfortunately, my nose had other ideas. I got a nosebleed during kissing! How embarrassing! A nosebleed isn't very uncommon for me and I have been having them sporadically since I have been little, however, it has never happened while kissing someone. It obviously ruined the mood and I think that Mr. Ketchup was a little nervous that he hurt me or was going to start it again. At least I laughed about it....right?!?! What do I do if he doesn't want to kiss me again. Stupid nose!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friend Or More?

I wanted to have a low-key Saturday night. I didn't really feel like leaving downtown. Thankfully my friend saved me from a Saturday night spent on my couch. Lets call this boy Miami Vice since he is from Miami and has a bad boy vibe and looks that are similar to Collin Farrell. Yeah, cute. So we ended up going for a drink at SHO Shaun Hergatt at The Setai which just opened about a month ago. The drinks were amazing and the place is gorgeous. We got a little tour of the restaurant and lounge and since Mr. Miami Vice knows so many people, I was actually introduced to Shaun himself as well as the owner of The Setai. After our drinks, we went to the Cipriani rooftop where Mr. Miami knew a resident who was having a party up there. The people were fun and interesting and I had a great time chatting up everyone there. There were only 3 other girls there besides myself and everyone else was gay, with the exception of Miami. One of the girls was an absolute drunk mess. I know that we all have those nights, but this was bad. Her dress was so short that you could see her ass and her shoes were so beat up she looked like she had been working the corner all night. Not a great look for anyone...much less a girl who could have looked a lot cuter if she wouldn't have been so drunk.

To my dismay, Mr. Miami Vice kissed me at the end of the night. I was kind of enjoying him being just a friend. Even though he is cute, I just have never really wanted to date him. It wasn't a great kiss either. I wasn't sure if it was bad just because I didn't really want to kiss him or if it was just a bad kiss. He also sent me a text message when I got home that said that he had a great time. Shit. That means that he likes me more than a friend. It is always a tricky situation when 2 people are on different pages when it comes to dating and friendship. I guess I will have to wait to see if Mr. Miami Vice wants to hang out again soon.

What A Random Evening

Friday night my Gay Boyfriend and I went out in the West Village. The night was kind of a dud for some reason. I am guessing that it was because a lot of people went away for the weekend. Everyone else around seemed to be from out of town. We went bar hopping to try to find some fun. At the first bar, Off The Wagon, I got hit on by a girl. Usually this bar is packed with guys because they have TVs with the games on them. Not that night! It was such an awkward experience for me. It has never really happened before and I was definitely uncomfortable with it. The girl was obviously drunk but she came up to us and immediately said that I was gorgeous and just kept complementing me and saying how pretty I was. My Gay Boyfriend and I kind of walked away from her since she was so drunk and spilling her drink everywhere. Since she was standing next to a pretty cute guy, we continued to glance her way. Every time I looked over, I noticed that she was looking at me and pointing me out to someone. Don't you hate it when you are looking at someone else and another person continually catches your eye? That is what was happening and it was getting to be weird.
Since the first bar was a little boring we went to one of our favorite places, The Dove. We walked in and sat at the bar, trying to dry off a little since it had started to pour. We had wanted to try absinthe since we heard that it supposedly makes you hallucinate but when the bartender let us smell it, it smells like black licorice, we didn't want to try it. This was a bit disappointing for me since I have been wanting to try this for awhile. The crowd wasn't that great after awhile so we decided to spice up things and grab some food at Super Hot Dog. Since I am obsessed with hot dogs, I was in Heaven. This place has a whole slew of hot dogs with interesting toppings on them. We also got cheese fries. If you are a hot dog lover like me, I suggest that you try it out.
After our quick pit stop, we tried 2 more bars that were just as boring. One was a hookah bar where we each had 2 little shots and left. The next bar that we stopped into was because we heard a great song. We ran in, danced to the song, and then left when the next song was awful. We decided to call it a night after that even though we both wanted to be doing something more fun. At that point, we just figured that we would continue to buy drinks and bar hop and not really find that much. I figured that we had already accomplished enough - got hit on by a girl, ate hot dogs, went to a hookah bar, had shots, smelled absinthe, and danced to one song. What a ridiculous night.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm A Jerk

Last night I went out with Jeff Not Gay. Since the discussion about his eyes possibly being crossed or lazy or something was fresh in my mind, I continually noticed that his eyes continued darting all over the place. He was looking at the waitress, looking at people pass by on the street, looking at everyone but me. I started to get annoyed by this so I said something to him about it. I looked him straight in his darting eyes and told him that he has darting eyes. He immediately responded with "Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry." He explained to me that he has ADHD and cannot really focus. He didn't want me to think that he wasn't paying attention or listening to me but he just really couldn't help it. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I felt awful. Of course just before I had brought up his eyes, we were having the "I don't really want a boyfriend" conversation. Not only am I a jerk but now I'm an asshole as well!

He still wanted to have drinks with me after dinner. We went across the street to another one of my favorite hidden little places, Little Branch. It is super small so they only let a few people in during any one time and keep a running head count at the door. It is very cute and quaint and makes you think like you are back in the 20's. The bartenders are awesome and make knock-your-socks-off drinks specified to your taste. Let's see if Jeff Not Gay calls me again...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Couture Shoe Sighting

As everyone knows, I am obsessed with shoes. Here is what I thought to be some great pictures of some pretty crazy shoes from the couture the slideshow from The Cut.

I love them :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Shoes Are Not To Be Broken

Monday and Tuesday must be my official Reality TV show watching days. On Monday, I watched The Bachelorette which left me wondering what was so different about myself and her. I feel like the bachelorette sometimes with all of the dates that I go on. While I am not looking to find a husband anytime in the near future nor am I going on helicopter rides above Maui, (not yet anyways) I continually analyze all of my dates a little to intensely.

Tonight, I watched a new show called Miami Social on Bravo TV. This show is about a bunch of messed up people that live in Miami and are always partying and bitching about something. I wasn't a big fan of the show but I did enjoy the one conversation had by a few of the women while they were laying out in the sun. They were discussing an ex husband's girlfriend and how much she argues with him and gets in fights. The ex-wife of this lucky guy said that once, she broke a door or something with a shoe. They all commented on what a great shoe that must have been in order to break something with it. I, however, agreed with one of the other ladies who said "I would never break one of my shoes for any man!" Right on sistah! My shoes are wayyy to important to be broken over a guy. It just isn't worth it!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Goals and Aspirations

Last night Ketchup Boy and I decided to watch Entourage together. We were all snuggled up on the couch ready to watch the show but then we just couldn't stop talking to each other. Normally, I want the person next to me to shut up and let me concentrate on the show/movie that I am trying to watch. However, this didn't really happen with Ketchup Boy. I was actually interested in what he had to say.

We were having quite the serious conversation about relationships instead of watching the show. He basically said that he wants to be with someone, except that he doesn't feel that it would be fair to them. He doesn't feel that he has accomplished what he came here to do yet and that he is more focused on that than anything else at the moment. If he were to focus on a relationship, he might sight of what he wants and then he wouldn't be happy. If he wasn't happy, then how could he make someone else happy? I stared him straight in the eye and told him that he took the words right out of my mouth!

If you cannot make yourself happy, then how can you make anyone else happy? If you don't accomplish your own goals or at least give them a solid try, then you cannot understand other people's goals in their life - which makes for a lot of fighting and heartache. If you cannot focus on yourself for at least a little while, how do you expect someone else to focus on you too?

This might be the perfect guy for me. He thinks similarly about relationships, he is a model and super cute, and he loans me his ketchup for a party with my friends when we are in need of it.

My Life in Advertisements

I just love these Google Ads. Honestly? Gay Men, How to Kiss a Girl, and Psycho Therapy?

Yep...thats pretty much what this blog is about. Hahah

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Models and Matchmaking

Last night my friends and I went to an apartment party. This was the best apartment ever. It was so huge, a great party place. Besides the great location, the party was held by a bunch of male models. Gorgeous! Everyone was really nice and also quite hilarious. I spent most of my night laughing which always makes for an amazing night (the male models didn't hurt either). My friend used to hang out with one of the models. She always gets kind of nervous around him (which I don't know why because she is an awesome person who shouldn't get nervous to talk to anyone).

His friends were chatting with us and everyone started talking about football and sports. My friend is a sports fanatic and a huge Pittsburgh fan. This is the point of the conversation when I try really hard to concentrate but end up just zoning out and nodding my head. Guys love my friend for this. One of the models said to my friend "there might be 8 girls in this city that know their team's schedule, and you are one of them, and that is hott!" Again, I am still standing there and nodding. He asked me who my team was. I replied by saying that "I like sports and going to games but I just stand and nod and pretend to be in the conversation. I'm being the wing woman." Apparently he liked that answer too and high-fived me for it.

Towards the end of the night I was standing in a crowd listening to my friend tell a story and one of the models beside me was just staring at her. He turns to me and says "I really like your friend. I mean, I really really really like your friend. She is amazing." What an awesome complement! I told him that he had to get her number because she is pretty amazing. I also told her a little later what he had said. I love when a really cute couple gets matched up like that. Not only are they really amazing people, they are gorgeous, funny, and will have cute babies together! Hehehe, I kinda feel like that matchmaker lady on Bravo - The Millionaire Matchmaker. Even though neither of them are millionaires, it was a damn good match.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Uncomfortable Dating

Friday night, after the sushi fortune cookie incident, I went home and met Ketchup Boy who lives in my building. We were hanging out, drinking wine, and watching a movie and talking. Since I had eaten so much sushi, my stomach had been rumbling throughout the movie. Thankfully the volume was really high up on the television or he would have heard it so much. You know when it is quiet and your stomach rumbles...awkward! As he was in the middle of his story about modeling and acting, I realized that I had to fart! What was I going to do now? This was in the beginning of the movie! I tried to just ignore it and pay attention to what he was saying. 15 minutes later, it was all I could think about. I decided to excuse myself and go to the bathroom. Since New York apartments are so tiny, you can hear a pin drop from anywhere in the place. So I tried to be discreet but nothing happened. I didn't have to anymore. Thank goodness.

The second that I sat down again on the couch it was back. Son of a Bitch! Why does that happen? I continued just trying to ignore my stomach pains and focus on the movie or the conversation when we were talking. When the movie ended I was so relieved that we could go our separate ways. It wasn't that I didn't like him, it was just that I was so uncomfortable by that point I thought I was going to explode. He decided that he wanted to kiss me before we parted ways. I have never wanted a kiss to end so quickly. He was a great kisser and I was struggling with the fact that I wanted to kiss him more but if he didn't leave right away, I was going to be very embarrassed! The second that he kissed me again and walked out of the door was the second that my pain disappeared. Nothing. It was gone. I was so pissed! Why couldn't that have happened earlier and just went away! Sometimes God does funny things to us to teach us a lesson. I didn't really find the humor or lesson in this one....

Fortune In A Cookie

Friday after work my friend and I went to have a drink at the Bryant Park Cafe. Since it was gorgeous outside the place was full of people, however, we didn't seem to find anyone that we thought was cute. Actually, we saw one guy but he was married. A wedding ring is a deal breaker! After the Bryant Park Cafe we went to eat Sushi in the West Village. This same friend is the one who has been having issues deciding if the guy she is seeing is gay or not (or bi-sexual). We were discussing the whole situation and if she should just walk away from the relationship or stay in it. She didn't want to just drop him if he wasn't really gay or bi-sexual because he is a great person. She just doesn't think that she would feel comfortable dating someone that isn't that into her.

We also discussed my situation with Batman - remember the guy with the really cool car that looked like the bat mobile? I wasn't sure what I thought about him. He is really nice and seems very genuine but he is obviously wealthy. I wasn't sure if that was something I was taking into account or not and if I felt a little awkward about how much money he had. Sometimes it can make me feel a little uncomfortable or out of place. He never made me feel like that, but I sometimes felt it a little myself.

Our fortune cookies ended up confirming how crazy this world is sometimes. They matched what we had talked about all dinner.

My friend's cookie said..."Error to error, one will discover the truth." - She will find out if the boy she is seeing is gay or not!

My cookie said..."A billionaire's joke is always funny" Is this really true? Maybe I just like him a little more and he seems nicer than he is because he has more money.

Sometimes fortune in a cookie is more like truth in a cookie!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sweet and Sour

Thursday night, I went out for a couple of drinks with the people at work. We went to Local, a really fun rooftop bar. We were talking about how some of the guys that we work with are so sweet to their girlfriends. Many of them have even moved across the country to be together!

Later, we got into the discussion about being a "nice guy." Most of us ladies agreed that there needs to be that delicate balance of sweet and sour, nice and asshole. My girlfriend said that it was kinda like the guy saying "Yo Bitch, you're kinda cute..." - being an asshole but giving a little complement. Between fits of laughter we decided that giving a little of the nice with the bad boy seems to be what girls like. We don't want you to be a jerk all of the time but if you are too nice, we always seem to fall for that guy who is a bit more of an asshole. I can't tell you why we do this, but us ladies are all screwed up!

Button Pushing

Jeff Not Gay and I finally saw the movie The Hangover. It has been such a process to see this movie with him. Either he is busy, I am busy, we miss the movie, or something else random happens that prevents us from getting together. Last night, we finally got to watch it. After a couple of drinks that ran late, it ended up that we had to get from one end of town to the other in about 15 minutes. Wanting to walk instead of take a cab since it was so nice out, we started to slowly make our way to the theater. Once I realized that we might miss the movie again, we started to jog.

He usually makes fun of how short I am and last night was no exception. He was yelling at my little legs to run faster and saying that we were going to miss the movie because I was so short (all in good fun). He told me that he could get us there faster if I just got on his I did. I have to say that going through crowds of people piggyback style through New York City is a first for me. Even though it was fun, my arms and shoulders are in pain from the death grip I was holding on with for fear that I would fall onto the streets.

We finally made it to the theater and after struggling with the machine to get the movie tickets, we were in our seats. Just as the last preview was ending, I said that I was a little thirsty from all of that running and rushing around. Jeff Not Gay looked at me as if to say "Are you kidding? I just carried you 5 blocks on my back through a crowded New York City street!" Instead of saying that, he politely asked "What kind of drink would you like?" As I told him that I wanted a Coke and he immediately got up to get it, I started to wonder what kind of guy he really was.

Who cares if he can't make a decision or step up to the plate on some things, he carries me on his back after a long day of work and then runs to get me a drink when I should be the one getting him something to re-hydrate with. This could, however, be dangerous behavior if I continue to push the limits. I didn't ask him to carry me through the streets or to get me the drink, but what happens when I actually do ask him to do something? Will he jump through hoops to do it? I hope that I am not that mean of a person to try to find out what his limits are but I guess that all girls do that once in awhile. We push buttons to see which ones are okay and which are not and to figure out what we can get away with. I think it is a true test to figure out yourself when someone else pushes your buttons. How can you ever know who you are unless someone tests you a little? Are you the person that runs and grabs that soda just as the movie starts to play, do you ignore the request, or do you make a compromise?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Elevator Run-Ins

Last Friday, after laying out on the terrace all day, I got a shower and then ran out the door to the grocery store to pick up some food for my 4th of July party. I decided not to put on makeup or do my hair since I was just running to the grocery store. Of course, I see a really hott guy on the elevator as I am going to the store. He was standing there with a liter of milk and just took a swig right out of the carton. I asked him jokingly if he was thirsty and he responded that he was hung over from the night before partying with his friends. Just like that, we went our separate ways.

The next day, at our 4th of July party, this mystery boy and his friends ended up on the terrace and joined our little party. He even contributed his ketchup to our little shindig. I found out why I thought that Ketchup Boy was so cute...he is a model and an actor.

Tonight, I sent him a text message and asked him what he was doing. When I was in the elevator going downstairs to do my laundry, my phone beeped. At that same moment, Ketchup Boy got onto the elevator with his laundry. I am not sure why we keep running into each other, but I have to say that I definitely do not mind it at all :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Better Abs?

"The way you use it is to take your shirt off and rub it all over yourself before you go to the club," a man who gave the alias, Peter Minichiello, says. "If you want to get [lucky], you have to know how to dance, and if you want girls to dance with you, you have to look ripped."

What?!?!!? Yes ladies, this guy is talking about Preparation H.

If you think I am making this up...Click HERE to see the full story from

First of all, Preparation H does not make you a better dancer or make you know how to dance. Secondly, girls might once to dance with you but when they approach and you smell like hemorrhoid cream they will immediately walk away. My third point is, really guys?!!?! Preparation H?!?! Lastly, if you have to use a cream to make a girl like you, you might need to get some help.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Not-So-Private Conversations

"My therapist says to me - I know what your problem is. You are too tense." This is just one small part of a longer story that I heard on the train coming back from Long Beach tonight. This story was told, quite loudly, from a man who was sitting in the next aisle speaking to a lady that he just met 10 minutes before. This might not be the best conversation to have while you are on a train and have a lot of people listening to your conversation. It also might not be a good idea to bring up to a complete stranger. My friends and I didn't think so and as the conversation progressed and got weirder and weirder, we tried even harder to hold in our laughter - which we were unsuccessful at doing.

This Fourth of July weekend was such a blast. I had a great time with my friends enjoying a picnic on my terrace. I didn't cook any food but made a killer white sangria, which I kind of consider as cooking :) My friends made fabulous pasta and potato salad along with hot dogs and hamburgers, all of the picnic necessities. One of my friends also brought along another party staple, the new guy that she was dating. He is super nice and very friendly. Sometimes I think that he may be a little too friendly and a little too much of an "open book" which he referred to himself as on numerous occasions.

For example, this afternoon at the beach (he came with us to Long Beach) we were discussing gay vs straight vs bi-sexual. He said that he didn't want to label himself into any certain category, is attracted to girls, but cannot say for sure that he wouldn't be interested in a guy if he was attracted to one. This is his feeling which is totally fine to have, however, this is a very personal feeling that he let us all know in front of the girl whom he is newly dating (my other friend and I had only just met him the day before). She promptly stated that she doesn't know if she could be with a man who is bi-sexual. It was a little bit of an awkward moment at the dinner table. Maybe that is why things like that shouldn't be discussed at dinner, not because they are inappropriate, but because you could have those awkward moments of silence like we did when we weren't sure how to respond.

Either way, he is obviously into her and likes her very much. However, it is an issue that the two of them should discuss privately without any other parties present to weigh in on the issue. Something like that conversation should be treated a little more discreetly with the 2 people involved. Just as you wouldn't tell the entire train car your life story about your mother and brother and father and therapist, you should tone your voice down a little bit when talking personally.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Which Would You Date?

This next post is most likely going to offend someone. I apologize in advance but this conversation was funny in the moment and I had to ask the question...

Last night, my friend mentioned that she wasn't sure but she thought that Jeff Not Gay might have a lazy eye. I hadn't noticed this before but I did notice that he darts his eyes around when he is talking. That is one thing that makes me wonder about him since he can't just keep his focus and his eyes are always moving back and forth. The eyes are the windows to the soul and they tell a lot about a person, I think. It might be that he is nervous, had too much coffee, or that there is too much going on around him, but it is something that I noticed.

After my friend pointed out the possibility of the lazy eye, I over heard a guy talking to his friend. He had a lisp. My friend and I asked each other - "Who would you rather date: A guy with a lazy eye or a guy with a lisp?" I am not sure on this fact but I think that there are therapies to help both issues but it is something that I think a girl would take into account when deciding whether they would like to date that guy (and vice versa). Either of these things could be a deal breaker. I couldn't really answer the question. Both things are something that would bother me a little bit. If a person's eye was always trailing off it would be a slight distraction. It is the same as when Jeff Not Gay's eyes are darting around the room. I am thinking about what he is looking at and not focusing on what he is saying. A lazy eye would probably make me do the same thing.

However, a person that has a lisp can make you super focused on what they are saying and acutely aware of how they are saying it. It would probably bother me a little bit too. I would be trying to decipher words or trying to hold back a little laugh if something sounded funny rather than giving my full attention. Just as my friend and I both could not answer the question, a super short guy walked by. We looked at each other, laughed, and said in unison "Lazy eye, lisp, or a midget?!" We were laughing too hard to decide on anything.

I have to say that any of these things is minimal in comparison to personality. If a person is absolutely amazing and you like everything about them except for that one trait, it isn't that big of a deal. No one is perfect but it is a question to ask yourself. What exactly do you consider to be a "deal breaker"?

You Know You're At The Right Bar When...

Last night my friend and I went to a fun bar called Off The Wagon. I have been there numerous times and have had so much fun there. My friend had never been so I decided that she had to go. Jeff Not Gay had been there earlier for his birthday party celebration after work. He was still there when we got there around midnight. He was obviously having fun since he was pretty drunk. At first, it was a little awkward with Jeff being there. I was happy to see him, however, there were a ton of other really good-looking guys there too. This is the point at which I really question how much I like someone if I am looking at every other guy in the bar.

When my friend came back to the table, she said the funniest and one of the best quotes that I have heard in awhile. "You know that you are in the right bar when there is a line for the Men's room!" She instantly loved the place. I was getting antsy sitting at the table with Jeff Not Gay and his friend. I wanted to get up and mingle, meet some of those cute boys that I had seen earlier. We stood up and announced that we were gonna go and check out the upstairs part of the bar. It was the only way I could think to leave and walk around while lightly suggesting that Jeff Not Gay go home and get some rest. I didn't want him to think he should stay for me especially since he was practically falling asleep at the table. I felt a little mean but I wanted to have a little more fun.

Upstairs was packed with cute guys. We tried to talk to most of them and I think that we did pretty well. The one guy that caught my eye was actually wearing a shirt from the brand that I work for - Men's I.N.C. from Macy's. I was soooo excited! It is fun to see people wearing the clothes that you work on every day. The night ended with my friends and I dancing (not very elegantly on my part I might add) and drinking, and kissing some cute boys.

When I woke up this morning, I had a text message from the boy that I met. He said "Hope that you made it home okay. Thanks for making my shirt!" He shall be known as Shirt Boy :)