Monday, May 31, 2010

Moving Moments

I moved into my new apartment in the West Village this Memorial Day weekend. Instead of laying on the beach with a Pina Colada, I was forced to pack and unpack boxes, carry unusually heavy items, and sweat...all of which I hate.

In order to get an apartment set up correctly, you will need the following:

- Lots and lots and lots of tape
- Patience
- Money for a parking ticket - Did you know that in NYC if the movers park the truck in the wrong spot and get a traffic ticket that you are responsible for it, even though you had nothing to do with the truck?
- Longevity - Working until 3 am and getting up at 8 am is never fun unless you aren't working
- Shoes - Never go barefoot in a new apartment. There will inevitably be glass on the floor and a bloody foot to follow
- Cleaning supplies - For when you realize the tenants before you were disgusting pigs for the last year
- Toolbags - This is literally tools in a bag. Make sure to put them in the bag after using them. Even though you try to stick to this rule, you still will not be able to find one of the following - tape, scissors, or a screwdriver.
- Humor - When your mother says "Screw This" and means to screw a shelf together you have to laugh
- Wine, Starbucks, and Cookies - 3 major necessities during a move
- Laughter - Things are just funnier at 1 am
- Home Depot - If I have to go back there one more time I am going to freak out...honestly I hate Home Depot
- Power Tools - They are quite helpful. They are even more helpful when you know how to use them
- Vision - If you don't have it, you have to move the furniture 20 times to figure out where to put it
- Fun - Even though starting to put a cabinet from Target together at midnight doesn't seem like fun, it is actually quite enjoyable - if you like puzzles with a million little pieces.

Thankfully I made it through the move and I am not taped to the walls or stuck in a box. I might however be getting a little high from the paint fumes in my apartment so I apologize if this post made zero sense.

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