Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday Sunset Soiree - Sunday Sunrise Surprise

Last night, my friends and I went to an apartment party in Murray Hill. Normally, when you hear the words "party in Murray Hill" you think of something that might be similar to a fraternity party, minus the keg stand (Hell, in some cases there might be a few of those also). Thankfully, last nights party did involve red plastic solo cups but lacked the beer spilling on my shoes, at least early on anyway. The party was held on a friend's balcony overlooking the city and started early enough to see the sunset. It was only after one drink that my friends and I decided that it would be a "good idea" to stay up all night and see the sunrise. We still cannot figure out exactly who's idea it was to start with but I quickly became the Sunrise Enforcer making sure that we were going to make it to 6 am. Here is how the night went on...

- I am assuming that the decision to make it to sunrise happened around 10pm. This is a guess.

- at 10:05 a tequila shot was taken to secure the pact that, yes, we would in fact remain awake and having a fun time until the first sights of the sun.

- Left the apartment party to go to a going-away party for another friend at The Bravest.

- Left The Bravest after only 1/2 an hour since no dancing was allowed in that bar. Just keep that in mind for next time when you want to dance and can't, its really annoying.

- Tried to go to a few other bars but SOMEONE (my Gay Boyfriend ahem ahem) forgot his ID. In New York you have to make sure to have your ID with you to get into anything. You could be as old as Betty White and they still decide to card you for the "fun" of it.

- Finally ended up at a bar called Von on Bleeker street that was supposedly good for dancing. Too bad the music was a direct copy of the type that you hear on some elevators and the Verizon I've been on hold for an hour play list.

- Attempted to go to Apotheke. I say attempted because we waited in a line and never got in. Here is my issue with this...the bar is supposed to be a secret bar. If you stack a line outside it gives up the secret. Also, another lesson I learned again and will hopefully follow one day, don't try to go anywhere on Saturday night that has just been labeled cool by a Real Housewife of New York. The line for the bar you once loved during the week will be very annoying on the weekends. No thanks to you Luanne The Countess

- Mac and Cheese and arm dancing at Cafeteria puts us at around 5:00 give or take a few minutes.

- The sunset was kind of witnessed. I waited until 7:30 am to see if I could get a glimpse of it through the buildings. Unfortunately I never got to see the actual sun but I did see the illumination of the sky. One can only assume that the sun did that...It was gorgeous and I didn't take a picture (the one I posted is courtesy of Google Images).

What an amazing 24 hours in NYC :)

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