Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gala Outfit Options

Tomorrow night I will be attending a Gala. At first, when I heard the word Gala, I assumed that I would have to wear a floor length dress that would be quite fancy. I thought that until we got an email that mentioned that cocktail attire would be the appropriate form of dress for the evening. Whew. I was relieved that I wouldn't have to find a long dress (and get it hemmed of course...I am only 5'2").

A few days after I received the email about the cocktail attire, I received another email. This email gave the details of where to meet and what the schedule of events was along with a comment about the dress code. This time, it said "Cocktail Festive." What on Earth is Cocktail Festive?? It isn't like it is a holiday party where festive might mean red and green or silvery something or others. This is a Gala for a charity that helps out battered and abused women. I don't see any part of "festive" in that.

When I thought I had finally decided on something to wear, I got yet again another email. This was the most confusing of all of the emails that I had received so far. This one said that the attire was "festive dress, party clothes, or office attire." What the hell was I going to wear now? This whole thing started off by me worrying that I wouldn't ever find the right long gown and wouldn't be fancy enough and has now gone to me wondering if everyone is going to show up to this thing in a white collared shirt and pants. Honestly, just cocktail attire would have been enough of a description for me and the 3 emails were more than sufficient - they were confusing!

It took awhile, but I have figured out what I am going to wear. It combines cocktail festive, party clothes, and is gala appropriate. Sorry, no office wear for this girl. I will be sure to post a picture tomorrow....if I remember to take one this time. We all know how the sunset one went.

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