Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mr. Right

I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday. I know that I definitely did. Spending time with my family always makes me happy. Another thing that makes me happy - My new boyfriend. I know, you are shocked aren't you? Yes, I finally caved and finally found a guy who is worth my time and energy.

His name is Mr. Right. He is about 2 inches tall but grows over 3-4 times his size when you put him into warm water. He grows within 2 hours and reaches his full potential in only 72 hours. Magnificent! Can your boyfriend do that? I bet not. My boyfriend can also be grown over and over again. The good thing about this? When I get pissed off at him, all I have to do is take him out of water and dry him up. His one drawback, he is a choking hazard and is not for children of under 3 years old.

Mr. Right is perfect because he doesn't talk back. He is always around when I want him to be. He resembles a super hero and we all know that they are all pretty cute. I can also bring him with me wherever I go if I wish. He also conveniently fits in my purse. What more could a girl ask for?

Happy Holidays!

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