Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Should Be Writing Holiday Cards...

But I haven't even had the chance to buy them yet. I have been so busy at work that I haven't had time to think about the holidays yet. I can't stand not being prepared for all of the gift giving and card sending that has to take place within the next few weeks. When I should be thinking about work and shopping, my mind has been preoccupied with usual.

Last night after work, I ran into Bartender Boy in the elevator. He was making small talk with me by asking if I was going home for the holidays. Through our short elevator conversation I found out a few things about him. He is from Albuquerque, New Mexico, he likes the puppy that he bought for his mother and is getting quite attached to him, and he is super cute. Well I guess that I already knew that one. I also might have heard more of what he was saying if I wasn't paying as much attention to his perfect smile and gorgeous eyes.

After we parted ways on the floor, I was so angry with myself for not asking him to grab a drink sometime. I was a little too nervous to ask him, which I normally do not have a problem doing. When I talked to my friend about it she immediately said "Shouldn't he ask you?" At first, I was taken aback by the comment and thinking that this is 2009 almost 2010, it is time for girls to ask the guys out but then I had another thought. There is something to say for the old school way of doing things. If he were to ask me to hang out with him, then I would know for sure that he is interested and I wouldn't be second guessing myself and it would just be sweet in general. Then another thought popped into my head. What if he is too scared to ask? Fate couldn't have brought us together at the Thompson Hotel and in our apartment building and then just let nothing happen right? Or does fate only bring us to the elevator part and then we have to create the rest of it?

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