Friday, December 18, 2009

Could It Be Fate?

Last night I lost my phone. The precious phone that I worked so hard to get. The phone that I cannot live without. I felt lost going to work today without it, naked almost. I tried to locate the phone online but it doesn't work when the phone is turned off. I had already gone online to deactivate it so that no one could make calls and ring up the bill. I had called everywhere that I thought possible, but knew that it was most likely the cab that I had left it in. Unfortunately, that is also similar to a black hole where nothing can be found and nothing gets returned.

Around noon, I decided to reactivate the phone to give it one more call. Maybe, just maybe the phone would be turned on and someone could tell me where it was. Thank goodness that I did! This very sexy sounding Australian answered. What if losing my phone was fate all along. My husband and I would meet because of this wonderful phone that I couldn't live without. The phone is so amazing that it would help me find my husband...what a great selling point for Apple.

Unfortunately the Aussie wasn't as sexy as his voice. Fortunately he returned my phone to me. Fate or not, I have the love of my life back. Yes, I consider the phone to be one of my great loves.

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