Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dickhead The DJ

Last night a group of friends and I went to the Thompson Hotel in the Lower East Side. We were relaxing on the roof which had gorgeous views of the city along with comfy couches. I had a mini celebrity sighting - Tucker Max, the author of I hope They Serve Beer In Hell. I have blogged about that book before and if you haven't read it already, please go and get it. Unfortunately I didn't say hello to him. Kind of regretting that now since I really want to hear how crazy he really is directly from the source.

Anyways, my friends and I were dancing as soon as the DJ stepped up the music a little bit. He intermittently played really bad songs that no one could dance to and I was getting pissed. I went up to him and requested some Beyonce - who can't dance to that? He told me no and then I asked him if he was worried that people wouldn't dance to it. He replied "I could play a lot of shit that people would dance to, but I won't.". I replied "Yeah, I noticed!" and walked off the dance floor.

Suddenly the skies opened up and it started to pour. There were a few people out on the terrace that came rushing inside. There was a handful of drunk girls that went rushing back outside to literally dance in the rain. They were having such a blast. When the rain stopped, they came back inside to dance. The DJ was on a roll for about 20 minutes an everyone was having a great time. There were dance offs, dancing on peoples shoulders, and other crazy moves. Then, the DJ decided to play another shitty song yet again. The entire floor cleared off and a ton of people left the bar. In the words of my friend "He's so bad even the wasted girls left."

When we left the bar, another one of my friends decided to tell the bouncer that the DJ was awful. We hoped the message would be passed on somehow. Despite the shitty DJ the evening was memorable. Drunk girls dancing to bad music in a downpour is quite hilarious!

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