Monday, July 12, 2010

Talk To Yourself

"Hi! How are you?" said the woman behind me on my walk to work. I looked at her and she looked a little crazy so I didn't say anything, just smiled.
"Hellooooo?" she questioned.
I turned around and said "Hi" this time.
"I'm good okay!" she yelled at me.
I turned around again and sped up hoping to cross the street and leave the crazy lady stuck at the light. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful and I got stuck at the light beside her. To my dismay she continued talking to me but I wasn't even answering her back.
A short while later I realized that she was on her hands free cell phone and hadn't been talking to me (or herself) the entire time. Now I felt like the crazy one!

That's the thing about the popularity of the hands free phones. They make normal people on their hands free phone look like crazy people talking to themselves. It also makes the crazy people who really are talking to themselves seem a little more sane now. Everyone else is running around this city talking to themselves - why can't a crazy lady do the same?

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