Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two Blind Mice

Last night I was on a blind date. I was the setter-upper of the date which is an interesting place to be. My friend has recently become single and I thought that I would set her up in a date with one of Bongo Boy's friends. I told Bongo Boy that the requirements were to be "a nice guy with a great personality and not completely ugly, or ugly at all." Come on, she's gotta be attracted to him!

Finally, they were able to meet last night after a lot of scheduling conflicts...mostly due to myself and Bongo Boy. We could have let them fend for themselves but they didn't want to. It ended up being a great night out with friends. He asked for her phone # but who knows what will happen from here.

I have met a few great people in blind dates. I have to say that I haven't dine many of them but I have enjoyed the experience. You are put together by a person who knows at least a little bit about each of you and decides that it might just work. In my friend's case, I knew her very well and he knew his friend very well. I had no pointers or tips or any bits of information to give to her at all which can be nerve wracking. I met a great guy once based on the description of "He was really cute and seemed like a really nice guy.". Thankfully, he was.

Taking the chance is the hardest part of the blind date, I think. The actually agreeing to it part can be the scariest. I always find that when I finally do agree I cannot stop thinking about all of the possibilities that could happen during and after the date. Who knows, that blind date might just become someone you cannot see your life without. Technically they are still blinding you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bongo Boy Loses His Beat

Last night, I was reading A really great book, I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley. Within this book, she mentions the name of an apparently famous director who has the same exact name as Bongo Boy (his real name, not the ridiculous name I have given him). I took this as a sign and decided to answer his text and meet him out for a beer and some football/baseball/Sports Center. Note to self, read unto the context of the chapter a little more...the author was describing a crazy TV show directed by Bongo Boy's real name twin. Maybe I shouldn't have taken it as a sign since he was a super crazy sports fan and both of his teams lost while I was there. It didn't help that I chose yo route for the opposite teams because I thought "it would be more fun that way".

Due to the fact that he was yelling at the TV in a crowded bar as if "blue" (the umpires if you didn't already know) could hear him, I immediately began to not like him. When he fake pouted over a strike that was called a ball by "blue" yet again, my disdain increased rapidly. By the end of the night it was a free fall of complete hatred once both of his teams lost in the final gripping rounds of interesting keep you on the edge of your seat games. Nobody likes a guy who throws a hissy fit when one team loses - try liking them when they do it twice in a row.

Needless to say, my trip to College Town NYC (aka Murray Hill on 3rd avenue) was a bit of a waste of time. However, it made me realize that, yes, a boy that you have nicknamed Bongo Boy will eventually show his true colors...even if he is named after some famous crazy director guy.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mr. Fix It

I have this friend. She is awesome and amazing and fun and funny and crazy shit always happens to her. Always.

A few nights ago, she had a boy over to her place after dinner. Things were going well. Things were amazing until her stomach started to growl and grumble. The guy might have liked her but her dinner did not. She politely excused herself and went to the bathroom. Unfortunately what happened in the bathroom wasn't polite at all.

She finished and went to flush the toilet. Nothing. She tried to flush again and again, nothing. The handle was broken. Panic set in. Pure panic. It was starting to smell. Thankfully she had known to pull the back off of the toilet and lift up the lever to manually flush the toilet. Safe. In the clear. She even sprayed a bit of perfume to make sure everything was covered.

Unfortunately he went to the bathroom immediately after her. Not 5 or 10 minutes but 2. He should have known. She made him think that the toilet had worked just before he had used it and pressured him to know how to fix it (she already knew how but felt that he should know too). He fixed the issue with Duct Tape - such a guy move - and then proclaimed himself a handy man.

My friend decided to let it slide that she had known how to fix the issue. She also fed his ego by letting him think it was him who could only fix her toilet. Brilliantly played my friend.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Joys Of Turning Left

For the past 2 days I haven't been able to turn my head or bend my neck to the left apparently as a result of sleeping on it. I know, how Zoolander of me to not be able to turn left. Here is a list of things that are surprisingly hilarious and also awkward when you cannot turn left.

- Answering a question to a person that is sitting to your left. They immediately crack up laughing when you turn your entire body.

- Crossing the street. You begin to look absolutely ridiculous when you try to look both ways.

- When having dinner you have to make sure that the person you are eating with sits on your right side and that the waitress asks you a question from the right vantage point at the table. If she asks a question behind you, the commotion of turning the chair to see her is just painful.

- Carrying a heavy handbag in the left hand sucks.

- Trying to kiss someone when you have told them about the situation but they keep getting the affected side confused is so extremely funny that kissing never really happens because you laugh so hard.

Monday, September 20, 2010

B Is For Birthday

I spent my Birthday weekend celebrating with friends - new and old. Here are some of the fun things I did.

Bourbon Street - The Bar that I went to on Friday night to kickoff the weekend. They serve amazing food in a gorgeous New Orleans themed Bar/Restaurant. The $5 hurricanes are delicious as well as potent!

Besanson - Liz Besanson that is...she photographed all day on Saturday for a website launch that I helped to style. The photo shoot was amazing thanks to such a talented and lovely woman. The Bell Boys and Bar scene at the Gramercy Park Hotel didn't hurt either!

Brunch - Sunday Fun-Day began with Brunch at Don Pedro's on the Upper East Side. Sangria and some interesting mashed plantains made the meal. Brunch was followed by Beers and football.

Beats - After the football game, next was the Ne-Yo concert where a ton of screaming teenagers (and myself) went. Ne-Yo along with having a Beautiful voice gives a great performance. Even the parts where young girls fought over his shirt that he had thrown off stage was partly a comedy routine... Planned I'm sure.

Thank you all for the Best Birthday weekend! You all make getting older a hell of a lot of fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I apologize for missing in action for the past few days...I have been in action. My actions are as follows - painting, fashion shoot planning, working, crushing a guy's dreams, fashion week partying, and more working. A fun filled week for sure.

I know I know, I shouldn't be absent for so long that it takes me forever to recap, so I will just recap the really great stuff. As usual, I am hanging out with a boy that is really nice and I'm hating him for it. So when I tell him that my birthday is this Sunday and I'm celebrating with Sunday Funday brunch and football he reminds me that he indeed likes both brunch and football suggesting that he would like my blessing to come. I sweetly smile and say "Ohh good. Maybe we can go out another day for my birthday." He looked defeated. I couldn't help it. I'm not ready to have him meet my friends yet - that would mean it's semi official that he might be a person I like. Plus, I feel like my friends are my family and boys shouldn't meet the family for a long time.

Last night I went to a fashion week event sponsored by Men's INC at Macy's along with Thrillist, Avion Tequila and Stella Artois and Vitamin Water combined with cute models. Whew. Thankfully, when you mix vitamin water with tequila (or tequila with a splash of Vitamin Water) you are not only dehydrating yourself but you are rehydrating at the same time! Brilliant! The night ended up with fist pumping to really great music. At least I thought it sounded good. Happy end to NY fashion week! We sure did end it classy...or not.

Click here to see pictures of the Thrillist event.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashions Night Out Fun

Last night was officially Fashions Night Out which is the official start off to the fashion season and Fall shopping. I was so excited to hop around from shop to shop, drink free drinks, and enjoy the night. My friend and I started at Bloomingdale's with a vodka drink. This wasn't just any old vodka. This vodka, or I should be more specific, the vodka bottle had LED lights on it that you could program to say whatever you wanted. The woman promoting Media Vodka put my name on the LED screen! Now talk about a bottle of vodka with my name on it!

Next stop at Bloomies was to get bright red lipstick. I had felt that my outfit was missing something and it was a perfect addition. Continuing back out to stores we decided to just pop in wherever had a drink. Awhile after that is when I had my Obvious Reasoning #1. See below list for further details. While walking between stores in Soho, we passes the Mercer hotel where Jared Leto casually walked into with his 10 speed. I immediately decided that I would pretend to be a guest at the hotel and go and chat him up. Unfortunately, the security guard asked me what room I was staying in and I failed to answer. This is when I had my Obvious Reasoning #2. Thankfully we wound up having champagne at Calvin Klein who had created the most uncomfortable situation by putting models in their underwear in a very awkwardly small store. We obviously stayed there for awhile.

Unfortunately this year, some places decided to have guest lists and not let their events open to the public unlike last year where anyone could get in anywhere if you could fight your way in. Upon being turned away to go into a store that we didn't think had a list, Obvious Reasoning #3 was upon me. While walking to get champagne at Miu Miu, Obvious Reasonings #4, 5, and 6 happened. By the way - an Obvious Reasoning is something that I should already know but felt like I was just learning them last night.

#1 - Anywhere that has free drinks in this city is going to be mobbed.
#2 - Don't think that just because a celebrity walks into a building means that you can just walk in right behind them. They are people too but just a bit more important when it comes to security guards and bouncer's standards.
#3 - New York will always have guest lists for something to create exclusivity. I'm surprised they don't have guest lists at the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels yet.
#4 - Starting the night out with Vodka, then mojhitos, then margaritas, then adding champagne will get you noticeably drunk.
#5 - Telling all of the people in the city to come out and shop at the same time I'd a death sentence for cab drivers since the pedestrians are all over the roads. No, sorry, you cannot turn left. It is mayhem.
#6 - Drunk girls in very very high heels lead to wipeouts. Note to all of you drunks out there who were in 6 inchers that they couldn't handle - It's not a good idea to try to run to keep up with your friends. You will face plant yourself onto the sidewalk. Ohh...but you already knew that? Idiots.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Yesterday everyone in my office was wearing cute new Fall clothes. Since I haven't exactly had the cash flow to buy a new wardrobe, I have been kidding myself instead. I have been repeating in my head that I don't really like the Fall (lie), and that I'm not ready to stop wearing my Summer clothes yet (lie, minus the shoes), and that I'm not excited about all of the great new items in the H&M windows that I pass by almost everyday (definitely a lie)! I must have been crazy to think that this could have ever worked. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons - because of back to school shopping of course! Since I haven't had to technically go back to school in the past few years it should really be called "I'm bored at the office so to make it new again I need fall clothes shopping."

Today it hit me that I couldn't ignore the shopping bug anymore. Forget bed bugs, I have been infected with the shopping bug for as long as I could walk. The crisp weather and seeing every ones amazing new clothes sent me over the edge. Thankfully my birthday is just around the corner and my parents have so generously contributed to my back to school fund. Tomorrow is Fashions Night Out that includes tons of discounts around the city and lots of free giveaways...Let the shopping begin!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shake Your Love

I have always been a fan of the oldies and crazy 80's songs, anything that is considered a bad song is what I love. Of course I downloaded them onto my iTunes and have been constantly listening to music since I do not have my cable hooked up in my apartment. The other night, after a great dinner with the boy I have been calling Bongo Boy (I met him at the beach when he was playing in a band at the Tiki Bar), we wanted to watch a movie in my apartment. Unfortunately I own zero movies and it was too late to find and rent a movie from blockbuster. We decided to come back to my apartment and chat anyway. After a full glass of wine and great conversation, Bongo boy leaned in for the kiss. It was nice until Debbie (excuse me Deborah) Gibson started belting out her hit "Shake Your Love" in her finest 80's early 90's pop voice.

Immediately I started laughing. It was uncontrollable along with the images of me and my sister playing on our swing set listening to her, wishing we could be her. Poor Bongo Boy didn't know what to do. I had the giggles and nothing was stopping them. We will see if he ever wants to listen to my music again.

Thanks for all of your help throughout these years Debbie!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kitchen Utensils

Since I moved into my new apartment, I have placed many kitchen utensils and tools in a jar on my counter top. Most of these spoons, scoopers, and tongs are a pretty blue color and they match my kitchen area. They have actually proven to be quite useful since I have acquired them. Unfortunately or fortunately (however you look at it) they haven't been used for much cooking at all.

Tongs - Perfect for grabbing the earring that fell all of the way behind the dresser and was tricky to pick up.

Rubber Spatula - Doubles as a great make-shift fly swatter.

Slotted Spoon - Used to reach to the top most closet, put through the loop in my suitcase or a handbag handle to pull closer for an easy reach.

Cherry Pitter - You can really only pit cherries with this guy. I will keep you posted if I find any other more practical uses.

Whisk - I still haven't used this tool. I have had this one for 3 years and haven't touched it with the exception of moving it from one kitchen to another. Completely useless.

Corkscrew - Of course this is the only practical and useful tool in my kitchen that is used for it's intended purpose.

Ice Cream Scoop - Once used this to hold down napkins that were blowing off of the table. Technically this was used in the kitchen. Used properly? I think not.

Happy Labor Day Weekend. I hope it isn't celebrated in the kitchen...unless you are my Mother who is cooking a yummy feast for me to enjoy ;)