Monday, September 27, 2010

Bongo Boy Loses His Beat

Last night, I was reading A really great book, I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley. Within this book, she mentions the name of an apparently famous director who has the same exact name as Bongo Boy (his real name, not the ridiculous name I have given him). I took this as a sign and decided to answer his text and meet him out for a beer and some football/baseball/Sports Center. Note to self, read unto the context of the chapter a little more...the author was describing a crazy TV show directed by Bongo Boy's real name twin. Maybe I shouldn't have taken it as a sign since he was a super crazy sports fan and both of his teams lost while I was there. It didn't help that I chose yo route for the opposite teams because I thought "it would be more fun that way".

Due to the fact that he was yelling at the TV in a crowded bar as if "blue" (the umpires if you didn't already know) could hear him, I immediately began to not like him. When he fake pouted over a strike that was called a ball by "blue" yet again, my disdain increased rapidly. By the end of the night it was a free fall of complete hatred once both of his teams lost in the final gripping rounds of interesting keep you on the edge of your seat games. Nobody likes a guy who throws a hissy fit when one team loses - try liking them when they do it twice in a row.

Needless to say, my trip to College Town NYC (aka Murray Hill on 3rd avenue) was a bit of a waste of time. However, it made me realize that, yes, a boy that you have nicknamed Bongo Boy will eventually show his true colors...even if he is named after some famous crazy director guy.

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