Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashions Night Out Fun

Last night was officially Fashions Night Out which is the official start off to the fashion season and Fall shopping. I was so excited to hop around from shop to shop, drink free drinks, and enjoy the night. My friend and I started at Bloomingdale's with a vodka drink. This wasn't just any old vodka. This vodka, or I should be more specific, the vodka bottle had LED lights on it that you could program to say whatever you wanted. The woman promoting Media Vodka put my name on the LED screen! Now talk about a bottle of vodka with my name on it!

Next stop at Bloomies was to get bright red lipstick. I had felt that my outfit was missing something and it was a perfect addition. Continuing back out to stores we decided to just pop in wherever had a drink. Awhile after that is when I had my Obvious Reasoning #1. See below list for further details. While walking between stores in Soho, we passes the Mercer hotel where Jared Leto casually walked into with his 10 speed. I immediately decided that I would pretend to be a guest at the hotel and go and chat him up. Unfortunately, the security guard asked me what room I was staying in and I failed to answer. This is when I had my Obvious Reasoning #2. Thankfully we wound up having champagne at Calvin Klein who had created the most uncomfortable situation by putting models in their underwear in a very awkwardly small store. We obviously stayed there for awhile.

Unfortunately this year, some places decided to have guest lists and not let their events open to the public unlike last year where anyone could get in anywhere if you could fight your way in. Upon being turned away to go into a store that we didn't think had a list, Obvious Reasoning #3 was upon me. While walking to get champagne at Miu Miu, Obvious Reasonings #4, 5, and 6 happened. By the way - an Obvious Reasoning is something that I should already know but felt like I was just learning them last night.

#1 - Anywhere that has free drinks in this city is going to be mobbed.
#2 - Don't think that just because a celebrity walks into a building means that you can just walk in right behind them. They are people too but just a bit more important when it comes to security guards and bouncer's standards.
#3 - New York will always have guest lists for something to create exclusivity. I'm surprised they don't have guest lists at the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels yet.
#4 - Starting the night out with Vodka, then mojhitos, then margaritas, then adding champagne will get you noticeably drunk.
#5 - Telling all of the people in the city to come out and shop at the same time I'd a death sentence for cab drivers since the pedestrians are all over the roads. No, sorry, you cannot turn left. It is mayhem.
#6 - Drunk girls in very very high heels lead to wipeouts. Note to all of you drunks out there who were in 6 inchers that they couldn't handle - It's not a good idea to try to run to keep up with your friends. You will face plant yourself onto the sidewalk. Ohh...but you already knew that? Idiots.

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