Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Joys Of Turning Left

For the past 2 days I haven't been able to turn my head or bend my neck to the left apparently as a result of sleeping on it. I know, how Zoolander of me to not be able to turn left. Here is a list of things that are surprisingly hilarious and also awkward when you cannot turn left.

- Answering a question to a person that is sitting to your left. They immediately crack up laughing when you turn your entire body.

- Crossing the street. You begin to look absolutely ridiculous when you try to look both ways.

- When having dinner you have to make sure that the person you are eating with sits on your right side and that the waitress asks you a question from the right vantage point at the table. If she asks a question behind you, the commotion of turning the chair to see her is just painful.

- Carrying a heavy handbag in the left hand sucks.

- Trying to kiss someone when you have told them about the situation but they keep getting the affected side confused is so extremely funny that kissing never really happens because you laugh so hard.

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