I go on to read the article hoping that there is something groundbreaking the further I read into this study. Unfortunately I get a paragraph such as the below for an opener:
"MONDAY, April 26 (HealthDay News) -- A combination of four unhealthy behaviors -- smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet and substantial alcohol consumption -- greatly increases the risk of premature death, a new study has found."
A NEW study? Really? Haven't we known this to be a fact for quite a few years, even decades now? Smoking kills your lungs, too much McDonald's clogs your arteries, and Alcohol makes your reasoning which might be otherwise good, work against you. In fact, Alcohol often times makes me want McDonald's and maybe even a cigarette at times. It is all a ridiculous circle but I can guarantee that over 90% of the people in America already knew that these things were bad for your health. Those other 10% are too drunk to care...

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