Friday, April 2, 2010

Airport Not So Fun

After I left the grandfather guy at the bar, I went to board my plane to Pittsburgh. I was so excited to get my vacation underway and have a relaxing flight with my iPod and my Glamour. Unfortunately my music and magazine were no match for the 8 month old baby that was screaming bloody murder in the seat directly infront of me.

When I say that she was screaming bloody murder, that is an understatement. This poor little upset baby bawled for the entire flight. I turned my music up so loud that I might have popped an eardrum - that is still better than listening to a baby cry. Just when I thought I could begin to relax with my music blaring in my ears, the baby decided to poop her diaper. I have never enjoyed one of the magazine fragrance ads so much in my entire life! Thank you Beyonce. Your new fragrance Heat is amazing (especially when you tub the tester directly under your nose). The girl in the seat next to me watched me do this, smiled, and opened up her magazine too :)

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