Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm a Little Teapot

This post really is about a teapot.  And yes, I would file this under cooking since it is about the closest that I get!  

I bought the cutest teapot today at Macy's.  It is the Martha Stewart Enameled Cast Iron Teakettle in "Martha Blue."  I, however, think that it looks a little more like "Tiffany Blue."

Whatever color it is, it brightens up my kitchen and makes me smile - and my kitchen doesn't make me smile often!
                                                                      Martha Stewart Collection...

The Frying Pan

Last night I was out at one of my favorite places in the city!  It is called the Frying Pan (if you thought this post was about cooking, you are wrong!).  The bar is located on a boat along the West Side Highway at 26th Street.  

The Frying Pan has the best french fries, burgers, and buckets of beers!  It is a great place to meet up with friends after work or on a gorgeous night.  Also, if there are ever fireworks in the city, the view from the boat is amazing since it is right on the Hudson.  This place is so cute that you even have to "walk the plank" to get onto the boat :)

Check out the history and info about the boat/bar through the website above.  Also, if you make it there, look for the HUUGE frying pan (I missed it the first few times that I was there).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Why Do Girls Like A$$holes?

My friend and I were sitting outside at dinner tonight catching up when this guy came up to us and the girls sitting next to us.  He had obviously been drinking since the afternoon and was full of questions.  "What are your names? Where are you from? What are your numbers?"  His friend (who was a girl) yelled over to him and called him an ass.  Then she said "Wait, these girls probably love that you are a jerk!"

She asked the question "Why do girls like assholes?"  The two ladies next to us just shrugged and giggled.  My friend and I had a little more to say about the subject.  

1) The jerks are all about the chase.  We only want to talk to them because they don't seem to like us.

2) They could just be cute.

3) We want them to buy us drinks :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Worst Nightmare

The reappearing act didn't end on Thursday with Bar Boy calling.  On Friday night after a great time at The Dove with my gay boyfriend I decided to call it an early night (early for me that is, 1 am).  I had finally gotten home and curled up in my bed and fell asleep for about all of 5 minutes when my phone rang.  In my slightly drunken sleep haze I answered it groggily without looking to see who the caller was.  Unfortunately for me, it was my worst nightmare... an ex boyfriend.

The phone call got even worse than a nightmare when I heard a second voice on the other end of the line.  Could it be? Yes, it was 2 ex boyfriends at once!  I had to be dreaming.

I was not dreaming.  The conversation was pretty short since I was horrified and made it a point to get off the phone.  Ex #2 just wanted to say hi because they had been chatting about me and figured that he would call.  Ex #1 is apparently still very bitter and was saying rude things about me in the background.  It was 4 years ago, let it go.

The 2 exes had been friends growing up.  I met Ex #1 at college.  We were together for a little over a year and then he cheated on me.  He shouldn't be bitter about the breakup; he caused it!  Ex #2 I had obviously met when I was dating Ex #1 but didn't really know him that well until we started chatting on the computer.  He lived in another state and I really liked talking to him so we decided to date.  At this point, the 2 exes were not friends.

After I broke up with Ex #2 they became friends again.  How lucky for me.  I feel so honored that they can bond over having dated me.  This sounds like it could be a movie.  A horror film perhaps.

Here is a tip....ALWAYS make sure to check who is calling before you answer!  It is dangerous if you do not.

Friday Night Fun

On Friday, I went to dinner with Bar Boy.  Before my date, I had some errands to run which involved walking on 42nd street at about 5:00 pm.  Do not try to get things done quickly if you are planning to do them on 42nd street right before Broadway shows start.  The sidewalks were filled with lines of people waiting to get in and people who didn't know where they were going.  This is very frustrating when you are trying to do things in a hurry so that you aren't late for a date.  

As I was walking down the subway stairs to head downtown for dinner, I saw the most gorgeous guy.  He had piercing blue eyes and a great smile.  If he isn't a model, he should be.  I completely disregarded my own advice and didn't smile at him.  My jaw literally dropped and I passed by him with my mouth wide open.  He must get that a lot.  He also must have thought that I was a loser.  Note to self: Do not look like a loser in front of ridiculously good looking men. 

I met Bar Boy at Bar Pitti in the West Village.  When I got to the restaurant I looked around but didn't see him.  I texted him to inform him that I was there and sat down on a bench outside.  He returned my text and said "I'm here too."  I stood up from my bench and looked around again.  I turned to my left and there was Bar Boy, I had walked right by him and didn't even see him sitting on the bench right next to me.  He apparently worked out at the gym for the entire month and looks like a totally different person.

Dinner was wonderful.  We had a bottle of wine and sat outside which I love to do.  After dinner, I met my gay boyfriend for a few drinks at The Dove.  A great bar that was filled with cute guys!  I need to go there more often.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reappearing Act

This week shall be known as "The Week of the Magicians."  I call it the magician week because boys who had previously disappeared from my life, have magically reappeared.  Three different guys who I had stopped talking to or who had stopped talking to me called or texted me all in this one week.  

On Tuesday, I received a drunk text from a guy that I went on one date with.  Lets call him Jersey.  This guy is originally from New Jersey, loves New Jersey, was forced to move into the city for his job, and tries to find any way he can to move back to....yep you guessed it...New Jersey.  He said that he wanted to be in a serious relationship and that just wasn't what I wanted with him after our first date.  I moved on.

Wednesday was quite frustrating.  The text, if you can call it that, was from a guy who I was seeing for a couple of months.  He took me out to fabulous dinners and we had amazing chemistry and conversation.  I wasn't sure if I really liked him until he stopped calling me.  Then, I liked him even more (this happens all too often).  He texted after about 4 months of not hearing from him at all.  His text was   :)   This is so ironic especially because of yesterday's post.  I am a little bit angry about this text because there were no words in it, just that stupid smiley face.  When I talked about smiling yesterday, I meant IN PERSON!

Today's caller was a guy who my mother insists on calling "Bar Boy" because I met him at a bar.  That should have been my first clue.  We went on about 3 or 4 dates which were fun but he was a "we" guy.  He said that we have to try this, and we have to go here, and we we we we....Obviously this word scares the crap out of me.  I kindly and gently told him that although I had so much fun on our dates I just was not looking for something serious at the moment.  My mother said "You crushed him like a grape!"  Well mother, that grape isn't squished yet.  He called and wants to go on a date.  I agreed of course. 

A girl has to eat somehow...

I think that the weather is to blame for this odd reappearing act by these 3 silly magicians.  In the beginning of the week here in New York, it rained for 3 solid days.  Tuesday's Jersey boy caved the second day of the rain.  He got bored and wanted someone to cuddle with.  Wednesday's boy is still up in the air about what he was thinking.  A great friend of mine said that there is only so much that you can get from and read into about a :) text.  Thursday's Bar Boy is all about the nice weather.  Even though it was a little windy today, it is getting warmer.  The prospects to sit outside and dine on a warm evening are great, as long as you have someone to sit there with. 

Ahhhh Spring! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I recently received my first blog comment....YAY!

I don't have boobs or good hair days.  What suggestions do you have?

The biggest suggestion that I have for you is to SMILE!  Smiling makes you look confident, interested, and approachable.  According to a very insightful book that I just read, entitled "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man" by Steve Harvey, a man loves a confident lady.  He wants to know that she takes pride in herself and is generally a happy person.  

Honestly, what man is going to look twice at a woman who has a scowl on her face?  If it is the first time he is seeing you, his first impression would be that you are 1. angry 2. bitter 3. bitchy or 4. all of the above.  If he already knows you or is in a relationship with you, he is going to run in the opposite direction.  The last thing that he wants is to be yelled at or be told to take out the trash.  A stern face will automatically tip him off to this.  (And if you are asking him to take out the trash, wouldn't it just be nicer to do it with a grin :)

If you always wear a smile (even if you don't have boobs or good hair days) he will at least assume that you are a generally nice person with a good and confident attitude.  A smile says that you are approachable and that you will most likely say hello to him if he comes over to you.  That man does not want to be rejected by anyone and a flash of your pearly whites basically hints to him that it is okay to come over and introduce himself.  Again, if you are in a relationship or know this person already, a smile lightens the mood a little.  

Try smiling at him while staring for awhile.  Most likely he will become uncomfortable and ask "What are you smiling about?"  Your response..."You" and then smile again.  It will make him think a little and it is just a nice way to let him know that you are happy when you think of him, without saying that in so many words. (If this makes him think that you have gone completely mad, tell him to go and do the dishes - with a smile of course!)

Again, you want a guy to approach you and begin a conversation.  The fastest way to invite him to do that without going up to him yourself, is a smile.

I hope that helped a little Vicki!

Magazine Madness

A lot of people know that I loooove to read, especially magazines.  I look forward to flipping through the pages and reading the articles every month.  I also read this great blog called "The Cut" from New York Magazine.  Every month they break down the best and worst fashion editorials from many different magazines.  Here is the link for this month....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Does hair even matter Ladies?

Tonight I went all over the city.  First, I went to a place called Monkey Bar.  It is a fabulous bar that is under a new owner but still an amazing after work spot on 54th and Madison.  With the same monkey wallpaper and relaxed atmosphere, there is an undeniable charm that cannot be beat.  Everyone seemed fabulous.

After Monkey Bar, a quick stop at Bobby Van's uptown to say hello to the owners.  They did not care that my friend and I were transferring from our usual downtown spot and bought us a drink.  Very nice of them...

On to Morandi after BV's for a fabulous dinner (on someone else - Thank you Gentlemen!).  I had an amazing time discussing the well prepared pasta and prosciutto.  Dinner was well worth the wait.

An interesting topic came up tonight; the topic of hair style was one of many that we discussed.  My friend and I were talking about the differences between styled hair and natural hair (I know everyone is sooo excited to read about this!).  A girl always looks her best when she has her hair all done up to her liking, whether it be by a professional stylist or done by herself.  She feels confident and sexy when she is having a "good hair day."  We decided that a man generally likes a girl to have loose and crazy hair, more natural.  It is touchable and free that way.  They can put their fingers through it unlike the helmet look where you are more suited for battle than play.  If a girl feels more confident with her hair all done up and straightened the way she likes it, but a man likes a woman's hair to be loose and sexy, what is a girl to do? 

"Men just like boobs!" That was the quote of the night and it ends the argument over straight versus flowing ringlets.  A man isn't looking at a woman's hair for that long to notice.

I love this city :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


I just added Google advertisements to my page.  I also just noticed that they are all about cookware, flying, and lost luggage.  Noted that the site reads my posts and places ads on it that are relevant to the content.  Note to self to make sure to post about some fun things so that the ads aren't so awful!

Shoes, Shoes, Fun, Shopping, Shoes, New York City, Shoes, Shoes, Shoes that comment Google Ads



I just got back from visiting a friend in Scottsdale, AZ.  The state is absolutely gooorgeous.  However, getting to the "Sunset State" was a little more frustrating than I would have hoped.

My flight was late Thursday afternoon.  An afternoon that was not fun.  I got to the check-in line early, since my train was early.  I stood in the baggage check line for about 20 minutes until I was instructed that I had to go to the kiosk to check in.  "What! Where is that sign?" There wasn't one.  I check in at the kiosk and get my baggage ticket and boarding pass.  I go back in line.  By this time it is about 4:20 and my flight leaves at 5.  I jump hurriedly to the front of the line (I thank all of the nice people at JFK that lovely afternoon) and finally get to check my baggage.  Unfortunately I was told that it was now too late to check my bag but the size was small enough that I could just carry on if I forfeited the lovely wine that I was supposed to bring as a gift to our host and my sunscreen.  Obviously I gave up what I consider to be dire necessities for the state of Arizona for the sake of making sure my luggage was with me on that plane.

After the baggage fiasko I had a lovely plane ride catching up with a friend and having a boy buy us drinks on the flight, again another testament to the lovely people of Arizona.  The weekend consisted of fun in the sun, drinking, hiking, cacti, fabulous dining, and more drinking.  90 degree weather is always something that cheers me up.  I absolutely cannot wait for this summer!

The flight home almost ruined my sunshine smile by having the most children on one flight that I had ever seen.  Crying children combined with one working bathroom that was in close proximity to my aisle seat was enough to make me want to walk back to New York.  The shaky landing and rainy weather almost made me snap.  Thank goodness I was still in a bit of my Arizona I write this I am dreaming of 90 degree weather and sunshine by the pool with my Mai Tai :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new blog!  I am new at this whole blog thing so please don't laugh at how elementary my page might look.  Hopefully the content will not be as lacking as the graphics.  

At 24 years of age, I feel that I am wise beyond my years (even though I do not plan to continue to tell my true age after much longer).  I moved into New York City almost 2 years ago and have learned so much about myself and this city in that short time period.  I am originally from a very small town so my experiences have run through every extreme possible; from cows to cabs, I've seen it all (or most of it).  Please let me begin to share it with you through my stories of city life, dating and single life, and everything in between.

The name for my blog comes from the situation that I am currently in and have been in for a few years now.  I studied Fashion at Philadelphia University where I was the Valedictorian of my graduating class (I might say silly things sometimes but there are brains in there somewhere).  I have always had a great interest for all things within the fashion industry.  My focus on textiles, shoes, accessories, and then some, has left me lacking in the cooking department.  Known as the girl who makes popcorn or Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (so quick and easy) for dinner, I have never been the one that my friends go to for food advice.  With that said, please note that I also do not have any desire to learn how to cook.  I have tried a few times and have failed those few times.  When I moved to New York City, I didn't think that my lack of culinary expertise would be an issue.  I was sooo wrong...

Recently, I was promoted at my company, the corporate office for a large department store (the largest in the world).  I used to be in product development for the men's fashion area and was "promoted" to cookware.  This is a HUGE deal for me to not be around clothing and instead to be dealing with pots, pans, and teakettles.  Who knew that this is where my life's path would be headed?

That challenge, among many of my other struggles, experiences, loves, and daily learnings about and in this city is something that I would like to cover in this blog.  I date a lot and have had some interesting and very odd experiences that I think many women can learn from or agree with.  Even if I don't have that interesting of a story I will make sure to comment on the restaurant/bar/club.  There are plenty in this city and we are always looking for somewhere new and fun to go.

Please feel free to ask me any questions and I will gladly answer.  I cannot wait to share my life with whomever is reading!