Monday, April 20, 2009


I just got back from visiting a friend in Scottsdale, AZ.  The state is absolutely gooorgeous.  However, getting to the "Sunset State" was a little more frustrating than I would have hoped.

My flight was late Thursday afternoon.  An afternoon that was not fun.  I got to the check-in line early, since my train was early.  I stood in the baggage check line for about 20 minutes until I was instructed that I had to go to the kiosk to check in.  "What! Where is that sign?" There wasn't one.  I check in at the kiosk and get my baggage ticket and boarding pass.  I go back in line.  By this time it is about 4:20 and my flight leaves at 5.  I jump hurriedly to the front of the line (I thank all of the nice people at JFK that lovely afternoon) and finally get to check my baggage.  Unfortunately I was told that it was now too late to check my bag but the size was small enough that I could just carry on if I forfeited the lovely wine that I was supposed to bring as a gift to our host and my sunscreen.  Obviously I gave up what I consider to be dire necessities for the state of Arizona for the sake of making sure my luggage was with me on that plane.

After the baggage fiasko I had a lovely plane ride catching up with a friend and having a boy buy us drinks on the flight, again another testament to the lovely people of Arizona.  The weekend consisted of fun in the sun, drinking, hiking, cacti, fabulous dining, and more drinking.  90 degree weather is always something that cheers me up.  I absolutely cannot wait for this summer!

The flight home almost ruined my sunshine smile by having the most children on one flight that I had ever seen.  Crying children combined with one working bathroom that was in close proximity to my aisle seat was enough to make me want to walk back to New York.  The shaky landing and rainy weather almost made me snap.  Thank goodness I was still in a bit of my Arizona I write this I am dreaming of 90 degree weather and sunshine by the pool with my Mai Tai :)

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