Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reappearing Act

This week shall be known as "The Week of the Magicians."  I call it the magician week because boys who had previously disappeared from my life, have magically reappeared.  Three different guys who I had stopped talking to or who had stopped talking to me called or texted me all in this one week.  

On Tuesday, I received a drunk text from a guy that I went on one date with.  Lets call him Jersey.  This guy is originally from New Jersey, loves New Jersey, was forced to move into the city for his job, and tries to find any way he can to move back to....yep you guessed it...New Jersey.  He said that he wanted to be in a serious relationship and that just wasn't what I wanted with him after our first date.  I moved on.

Wednesday was quite frustrating.  The text, if you can call it that, was from a guy who I was seeing for a couple of months.  He took me out to fabulous dinners and we had amazing chemistry and conversation.  I wasn't sure if I really liked him until he stopped calling me.  Then, I liked him even more (this happens all too often).  He texted after about 4 months of not hearing from him at all.  His text was   :)   This is so ironic especially because of yesterday's post.  I am a little bit angry about this text because there were no words in it, just that stupid smiley face.  When I talked about smiling yesterday, I meant IN PERSON!

Today's caller was a guy who my mother insists on calling "Bar Boy" because I met him at a bar.  That should have been my first clue.  We went on about 3 or 4 dates which were fun but he was a "we" guy.  He said that we have to try this, and we have to go here, and we we we we....Obviously this word scares the crap out of me.  I kindly and gently told him that although I had so much fun on our dates I just was not looking for something serious at the moment.  My mother said "You crushed him like a grape!"  Well mother, that grape isn't squished yet.  He called and wants to go on a date.  I agreed of course. 

A girl has to eat somehow...

I think that the weather is to blame for this odd reappearing act by these 3 silly magicians.  In the beginning of the week here in New York, it rained for 3 solid days.  Tuesday's Jersey boy caved the second day of the rain.  He got bored and wanted someone to cuddle with.  Wednesday's boy is still up in the air about what he was thinking.  A great friend of mine said that there is only so much that you can get from and read into about a :) text.  Thursday's Bar Boy is all about the nice weather.  Even though it was a little windy today, it is getting warmer.  The prospects to sit outside and dine on a warm evening are great, as long as you have someone to sit there with. 

Ahhhh Spring! 

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