Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my new blog!  I am new at this whole blog thing so please don't laugh at how elementary my page might look.  Hopefully the content will not be as lacking as the graphics.  

At 24 years of age, I feel that I am wise beyond my years (even though I do not plan to continue to tell my true age after much longer).  I moved into New York City almost 2 years ago and have learned so much about myself and this city in that short time period.  I am originally from a very small town so my experiences have run through every extreme possible; from cows to cabs, I've seen it all (or most of it).  Please let me begin to share it with you through my stories of city life, dating and single life, and everything in between.

The name for my blog comes from the situation that I am currently in and have been in for a few years now.  I studied Fashion at Philadelphia University where I was the Valedictorian of my graduating class (I might say silly things sometimes but there are brains in there somewhere).  I have always had a great interest for all things within the fashion industry.  My focus on textiles, shoes, accessories, and then some, has left me lacking in the cooking department.  Known as the girl who makes popcorn or Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (so quick and easy) for dinner, I have never been the one that my friends go to for food advice.  With that said, please note that I also do not have any desire to learn how to cook.  I have tried a few times and have failed those few times.  When I moved to New York City, I didn't think that my lack of culinary expertise would be an issue.  I was sooo wrong...

Recently, I was promoted at my company, the corporate office for a large department store (the largest in the world).  I used to be in product development for the men's fashion area and was "promoted" to cookware.  This is a HUGE deal for me to not be around clothing and instead to be dealing with pots, pans, and teakettles.  Who knew that this is where my life's path would be headed?

That challenge, among many of my other struggles, experiences, loves, and daily learnings about and in this city is something that I would like to cover in this blog.  I date a lot and have had some interesting and very odd experiences that I think many women can learn from or agree with.  Even if I don't have that interesting of a story I will make sure to comment on the restaurant/bar/club.  There are plenty in this city and we are always looking for somewhere new and fun to go.

Please feel free to ask me any questions and I will gladly answer.  I cannot wait to share my life with whomever is reading!

1 comment:

  1. Lulu,
    I don't have boobs or good hair days. What suggestions do you have?
