Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be Your (Fabulous) Self

What do you do when you actually like a person? Normally, I am not in that situation...ever. I usually pick a person apart or find something wrong with them after the second date. Okay, I'm lying...the first date. So now, that I actually made it past the second date and still haven't found anything wrong with the guy I am finding that I do not know how to behave.

I am not my cool, aloof, ignorant self. I text him whenever I think of him or find something funny that I want to say to him. I call him before he calls me. Before, I would have waited for him to obnoxiously text me and then not message him back. A guy would have called me and I would have avoided answering because I didn't really care to hear what he had to say. Thankfully, he returns my messages and answers my calls.

Since I didn't want to come off as a crazed girl, I mentioned that I wasn't really sure what to do or what I am supposed to do when I meet someone that I think is a good person and that I like. Unfortunately for me that is rare (I'm not saying that all of the boys I meet are bad people, they just aren't for me). He responded with one of the most insightful answers that I have heard in a long time. He said "Just be yourself. That's all I ever ask because I don't want to get to know some other person, I want to like you for you."

He just gave me a free pass to text message him all day :) I think we should all listen to him, and not because he's charming but because he's right. Just be your fabulous self! (I added the fabulous part because that's right too).

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