Thursday, December 9, 2010

Celebrate You And Me

For the past few days and for a few more throughout the weekend, I have been and will be in celebration mode. There has truly been so many great things that deserve attention in the past few days and weeks that a party must be had.

1) Promotion Celebration - This week, I got promoted. Finally. This is something that has been in the works for such a long time that when it finally happened, it didn't even seem like a real accomplishment. Thankfully, my friends saw it another way. They celebrated with an impromptu bottle of champagne and a mini get together with friends. It was something that made me immediately grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life. These people make sure that you are appreciated even if you are feeling a little less than underwhelmed by your own hard work and determination finally paying off. I should have been toasting them!

2) Holiday Celebration - Since we are officially in the full swing of the holiday season, there had to be a party to celebrate the holidays with the people that I work with. We went out last night and had ourselves a very merry blast. Unfortunately, we didn't get to celebrate the year before, however, we made up for missing last years with quite a few drinks and a lot of crazy dancing. Another mini celebration also happened during the holiday party...

2.5) Food Celebration - Last week I was on a cleanse and I continued it through out this week, until last night that is. We went to the Heartland Brewery on 34th and 5th...they are known for great fried food. I was craving and loving every second of this greasy fatty food that I forgot that I hadn't really had major carbs for a solid week. While having a beer, I started to feel so full and a little queasy due to all of the grease that the food celebration ended abruptly.

3) Love Celebration - Tomorrow, I am celebrating my friend's new found man friend. I will not say "boyfriend" until it is official, however, it could be any day now. I am meeting him for the first time and I cannot wait. She lights up when she gets a text message from him and I haven't seen her do this with anyone in a really long time. I am celebrating love and friendship tomorrow (along with a few cocktails) because there should be so much more of it to go around for everyone!

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